110 (Back to Real World)

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Tens of thousands of years ago, when there were no humans in the world, good and evil were entrusted to two major races—the devil and the celestial race.

    The demon's wings are covered with black fluff, and the powerful black wings are a symbol of their power.

    Even the lowest level of demons - the vampires, is the same.

    The Celestial Clan has the purest white wings, symbolizing that they have never been polluted by desires and evil thoughts.

    Once they fall, their feathers will be stained with black.

    The two races are opposed to each other and regard each other as enemies.

    Tens of thousands of years later, the world gave birth to human beings, as well as many lives.

    The demons and the celestial clan gradually declined in the long process of change and struggle.

    Except for the gods, all the celestial clans have fallen. Although they live in the heavenly realm, they are far from the once proud and pure heavenly clan.

    And the power of demons is not as good as before, and the abyssal races that were once able to fight against gods have almost disappeared.

    They all chose to hide their existence and hand over the world to human rule.


    On the highest seat of the temple, a god with pure white wings sat on it, and his dark golden pupils swept towards the several Celestial Clans under the temple.

    Without exception, their wings are all polluted with black feathers.

    Li closed his eyes impatiently.

    It's only ten thousand years, and he has already fallen to this point. All the Celestial Clans were actually stained by those dirty things.

    As the supreme being of the Celestial Clan, he can see the "evil" of all life.

    They turned into strands of black threads, surrounding the living body. The several Celestial Clans in the temple at this moment are wrapped around by these black threads.

    Not much, but enough to disgust him.

    The so-called "evil" is not entirely malicious. Jealousy, sex, etc., which are related to desire, are also part of "evil".

    The Celestial Clan is pure in heart, and even if they are depraved, it is rarely because of evil thoughts.

    Most of them fall for uncontrollable desires.

    "My God." The leader of the Celestial Clan leaned back, and he bowed his body, trying to hide his filthy wings.

    He has a very good understanding of the disposition of God, and God hates these filth the most.


    "The future trajectory of the subsidiary small world seems to be shifted, and I'm afraid it needs to be corrected with the help of the apocalypse."

    Li didn't speak, but glanced to the side.

    The golden sphere on the side of the divine seat sensed it, and set off to fly to the leader of the Celestial Clan the next moment.

    It turned into a boy with black hair and golden eyes, standing quietly beside the Tianzu.

    After getting the apocalypse, the Celestial Clan bowed down and left with the others.

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