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Li Guifang knocked on the door of the room outside.

After she came in, she looked at Li Li's face and confirmed that the marriage had not been messed up by Wen Long, and then smiles appeared on her face again.

She looked at Li Li and said, "Then it's settled?"

Li Li squeezed his lips and said coldly.

Li Guifang naturally doesn't mind his indifference.

Anyone who loses more than a hundred yuan in his pocket will not be in a good mood.

She asked, "Then when did you give the dowry money?" As soon as this bride price is given, you two can also get the certificate early..."

Li Li stood up.

"Tomorrow. I'll come again tomorrow."

Li Guifang's face was almost happy.

"Hey, it's successful! Tomorrow is tomorrow."

"You have received the certificate in the past two days. I gave all the weddings and so on before the Spring Festival, and Wen Long was so that he could live in your house.

It's January by this time, and there are only about ten days left before the Spring Festival.

After ten days of receiving a license and holding a wedding, Li Guifang's move simply rushed out Wen Long.

Thinking that she could have 150 yuan more tomorrow, her eyes were almost shining.

Li Li frowned and didn't want to look in her direction for another second.

He whispered to Wen Long, "I'll come back tomorrow."

Nod gently.


The next day. Li Li really came again as agreed.

Li Guifang got the bride price he brought and laughed so much that she couldn't open her eyes.

She shouted one son-in-law, as if she expected something to pick out of him in the future?

Wen Shiya looked at her holding the pile of bills with joy and smile and frowned secretly.

I sold my daughter for so much money...

There is also the one named Li Li, who looks good-looking, but he is actually a scapped bun who only looks at his face.

After only a few days of hard work, I came to ask for marriage...

She had a lot of thoughts in her heart, but she didn't dare to show it on her face, but she just read the book in her hand again.

Li Li and Wen Long went to the village committee to get the certificate.

The red book is opened, and the two people on the black and white photos are excellent.

The girls who took pictures of them lit up their eyes and talked about "match" many times after the photos.

Li Li's heart was about to float into the sky.

"Wedding... when do you want to hold it?"

On the way back, Li Li hesitated again and again, but couldn't help asking.

Wen Long was silent for a few seconds.

"...I don't want to do it very much."


His tone seemed surprised, and Wen Long couldn't help looking at him, "Do you want to do it?"

Li Li opened his lower lip.

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