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Li Xiaotian stayed for a while, left two yuan of gift money, got up and left.

Li Li is very popular in the village. Anyone who has any work will usually call him, because Li Li is really capable.

But he hardly showed up in the village, and he basically never been to other people who wanted to follow in red and vain. Therefore, no one will come back except Li Xiaotian today.

He would have been worried that Wenlong disliked being unpreclusively, but later found that she looked as usual, so he was relieved.

Before going to bed at night, he also remembered that Li Xiaotian said that the city people wanted to take a bath every day, so he burned a large pot of water in the stove to take a bath.

But after all, it was winter at this time, and what Li Xiaotian said was obviously a rumor. When Wen Long looked at the large bucket of water he brought in, he was stunned.

She was just going to wash her up...

But the water had been put here, and Wenlong finally wiped his body with hot water.

On the contrary, Li Li, afraid that she would dislike herself, hid Wenlong and poured a few pots of hot water in the stove, and soaped all over his body, barely taking a shower.

"Why did it take so long?"

After Wenlong finished washing, he waited for a long time until he came back from the stove.

"Oh, I went to the toilet."

Li Li has short hair and inch. After washing my hair and getting wet, there was a firewood that had not burned out when boiling water in the stove. At this time, it was completely dry when I came back.

With his hair dry, he felt that Wenlong couldn't see it, so he lied.

The warm nose wings moved slightly.

She smelled the obvious fragrance of soap horns.

Li Li avoided her sight and said, "Well, I'll warm the quilt."

In a countryside like Lijiacun, it is very sad every winter. Especially during the Spring Festival, it is the coldest day in the whole winter.

Li Li is not afraid of the cold. It can be seen from his work in the field and wearing a single shirt.

In previous years, his winter was like a sweater and a thin coat.

But now that Wenlong is married, naturally it can't be as good as before.

At this time, stoves are not common, and few people sell the charcoal burned by the stove.

Li Li picked out the firewood that had not burned embers during cooking and put it in the jar. After sealing it, it became charcoal.

There is a fire basin at home. Charcoal can keep warm when put down, but the amount of charcoal is not enough.

Fortunately, in the late winter, every family also nests in its own house and usually doesn't go out much. A little charcoal fire is put in the room to burn out, and the doors and windows are tightly sealed. This heating can still last for more than half a day.

The most important thing left is the way to sleep at night to keep warm.

Many kangs in the countryside are fire kangs, and the Li Li family has the same structure.

In winter, in the afternoon or near the evening, firewood is stuffed into the hole of the kang, and then the bedding is spread on the kang to keep the heat. It's similar to bedding when you go to bed again at night.

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