just like every romance movie || jolyne x fem!reader

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here, have a self-indulgent jolyne x fem!reader because i wanted one (no one requested this; i just wanted one lmao) while you wait for more actual  updates haha

love you!!🥺🥰

"I will not share a room with her!" Jolyne blushes profusely, pointing a finger in your face. "Why not, Jolyne?" F.F. asks curiously, and you stare at her, also wanting to know why. "I'm not going to share a room with an annoying, whiny, loud, attention-seeking, bratty person like her!" She crosses her arms conceitedly, turning her nose up at you. "I haven't even done anything to you!" You yell back, and she glares at you, her dark green eyes filled with disgust. "You're going to have to make it work, Jolyne." Ermes sighs, and Jolyne curses under her breath.

"Here, Y/N, the key to you and Jolyne's room." Anasui throws you a key labeled "Room 321-A" and you nod, staring at the ground. It's been hard for you, especially since you don't fit in with Jolyne and her friends. You were the mayor's daughter with a great education, a big house, lots of friends, and an inheritance to look forward to when you became twenty. You screwed it all up though, when you decided to set your parent's house on fire, by accident. They didn't believe you, called the police, and you got arrested and sent to Green Dolphin State Prison.

Everyone accepted you and welcomed you into their lives, everyone except Jolyne Kujo. You thought she was really pretty; you liked her green space buns, dark green eyes, and dark green lipstick. You liked her voice, her outfit taste, and her personality. You....liked her. But, of course, she didn't like you. The first time you met, she called you "a spoiled brat and a snobby princess", and scoffed at you. "Don't worry, she'll get used to you." Foo Fighters said, smiling. You nodded back then, believing her, but now, you don't think Jolyne will ever like you.

"See you tomorrow, Y/N." Ermes nods at you, and you smile back, waving. "Thank you, Ermes, for everything." You blush, and she smiles. "No problem." She replies, and leads F.F. to the elevator. Anasui, Weather, and Emporio tell you good night, and walk up the stairs to the second floor. Jolyne and you stand alone in the now quiet foyer. You glance at Jolyne, and she scoffs. "Stop staring, you spoiled creep." She bites, and you nod, panicked. "Let's go to the elevator." You say, walking towards the opening doors of the elevator. "Whatever." She shrugs, and walks behind you, filing into the elevator.

The elevator is playing a remix of "Hip Shop" from the video game Deltarune, and you bob your head to the beat, soaking it in. That game is a very big part of your childhood. "Hey, idiot. Pay attention." Jolyne bites, and you snap out of your relaxing trance, jolting at the sound of her stern, hard voice. "Sorry, Jolyne." You say, and she scoffs. "Stop apologizing. It's so damn annoying." She says, and you stare at the ground, not knowing what else to say.

The elevator makes a ding noise, and the doors swing open, leading to a hallway with a colorful carpet and doors lining the walls. "Our room is 321-A," You say, and Jolyne snatches the key from your hand, speed-walking down the hallway. "Jolyne! Wait up!" You whisper-yell, running behind her. Jolyne stops at a room at the very end of the hall, and inserts the key into the keyhole, opening the door with a small creak.

The room is very nice; a nice queen-sized bed with two bedside tables, a bookshelf with random books on it, and a fully furnished kitchen, with snacks, water, and juice boxes. "Ooh!" You smile gleefully, and Jolyne rolls her eyes at you, her dark green lips turning into a disgusted sneer. "Let's get to bed. I want this day to be over as soon as possible." Jolyne says, and takes a towel from the rack across from the door. "I'm taking a shower." She announces, and slams the bathroom door.

You wince at the sharp noise, but shake it off, taking off your shoes and looking around. "What's this do?" You wonder aloud, and flick the switch beside the light. The lights dim, and the fairy lights strewn around the room light up a bright green. "Wow." You say speechless, and your thoughts rest on Jolyne Kujo: the girl you love but the girl that also hates you. Green reminds you of her as a whole girl.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jolyne scoffs, turning the lights back on. "N-Nothing; just admiring the lights." You say nervously, fidgeting with your hands behind your back. "Yare yare dawa; just take your shower and get in bed." She shakes her head, and you nod quickly, grabbing a beige towel from the rack and scurrying into the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. It smells like strawberries and roses, an you blush at the smell, reminding you of Jolyne. Why does everything remind me of her?

You shake your head in disbelief, turning on the steaming hot water and stepping into the shower, bathing yourself in steam.

This is just like every Hallmark romance movie I've ever seen; the classic enemies to lovers trope, and i'm in the middle of it, or at least, hope I am.


"I'm going to turn the lights out, okay, Jolyne?" You ask, walking to the light switches. "Let me take my hair down, damn it." She mutters, and you nod, staring at her from a distance. Jolyne takes the space buns out and combs through her hair, her hair flowing into a beautiful wave at her back. You blush, admiring her from a distance. This part of her, this calm, quiet, and almost princess-like demeanor she has while taking her hair down, you wish she'd keep forever. "Your hair is very pretty." You say, and she turns around to look at you. Her dark green eyes pierce you, and you look at the ground, avoiding her gaze.

"Thanks." She says, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Turn the lights off now." She says, and you do as she commands, turning off the lights and feeling your way to the bed. You snuggle up in the blankets slowly, trying not to cause Jolyne to say anything. "Would you stop moving? It's damn annoying." She asks angrily, and you tense up, stopping. "Finally." Jolyne scoffs, and you sigh. "What, huh?" She replies, and that's when you snap.

"Look, I don't know what I did to you; I only met you two weeks ago, and you hate my guts like we've been lifelong enemies. All of the others accept me, but you still treat me like an outcast. Just because I have a family, money, friends, a house, and an inheritance waiting for me, doesn't mean I'm a spoiled brat like you call me. What if I wanted to be friends? What if I don't want to be treated differently? What if I actually want to grow close to you, Jolyne? Then what?" You rant, and then shut up suddenly, blushing.

Jolyne doesn't reply, and you hope she isn't sleeping. She sits up slowly, and stares at you. Even though it's dark and the only light you have is the moon, the telephone button blinking, and the bathroom lights flickering, you can still feel her dark green eyes. "I'm sorry." You say quietly, and she turns on the lamp, going back to stare at you. Her eyes are watering, and tears are dripping down her face. "You want to grow close to me?" She asks snarkily, and you nod, staring at her. "You're very nice, amazing, talented, and beautiful; who wouldn't want to grow close to you?" You say, and she laughs a laugh that isn't bitter this time.

"Look, I'm---I'm sorry for the way I've been treating you lately. I only did that because I was jealous. You have everything I don't." She says, a hint of anger creeping into her voice. "That doesn't mean we can't be friends." You say, and she rolls her eyes, turning off the lamp and laying back down. "I--I like you, Jolyne; a lot." You say, and she scoffs bitterly. ".....I like you too, Y/N." She replies, and you kiss her cheek, closing your eyes.

"Good night, JoJo." You smile.

"G-Good night, Y/N." Jolyne replies; you can feel her green lipstick resting on your cheek.

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