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For a week or so Stan and Craig have been hanging out, both in and out of school.
          “Are we going to your place again?”
          “Unless your parents aren’t home, yes”
          “My parents are always home.”
          “So my place it is” Craig rolled his eyes and followed behind Stan. They made their way to Stan’s place, throwing the door open Stan shouts, “I’m home!” and to none of their surprise, there was no response.
          “Come on! I have a trick I want to show you!”
          “I’d rather you sing, it’s been weeks and I want my hat back” Craig whined as they made their way upstairs.
          “Well that’s your problem for making that deal” Stan laughed and ran up the rest of the stairs. Suddenly the halls fill with barking. The quick patter getting closer as Craig reaches Stan’s room.
“Sparky! Hey boy!” Sparky ran up to him and jumped on Stan almost knocking him over. Craig pats Sparky on the head.
             “Hey boy” Sparky barks at Craig and jumps on him too.
             “He's really takin a liking to you” Craig smiles and nods. Stan took his phone out and snapped a quick picture. It's a rare sight seeing Craig with animals in this way, it was comforting.
Stan slipped his phone into his pocket and went to his bed, sitting down and setting his bag against the bed. He opens the bedside table and pulls out a deck of cards. Craig looks up at him.
          “Time for magic, come here, it’s better to see it up close” Craig got up and walked over, sitting next to Stan and setting his bag beside the  bed as well. Stan pulled out a card and showed it to Craig.
          “You see, my hands are empty aside from the card.” Stan rolls up his sleeves,           “That way you don’t think I’m hiding it.” Craig nods as Stan stars messing with the car, "Ready?" again earning a nod Stan quickly swipes the card through the air and as quick as one could see it, it was gone.
          “Woah! where'd it go!?" Stan revealed his hands to show nothing was there, quickly making a hand gesture the card reappears. "That's impressive."
          “Why thank you" Stan bowed while seating and laughing to himself.


Stan leaned against his locker, surrounded by his group and Craigs's group.
          “why did you guys swap hats?"
          “It's been a little over a week! come on Stan!"
          “Yeah Stan, tell us~" Kenny cooed as he snickered, earning a glare from his friend.
             "It's just so weird seeing you with his hat" Stan glanced over at Craig's locker, low and behold, there was was a smirk plastered on his face ad he simply watched everyone surrounding Stan.
             "Y'all relax it was just a bet."
             "No ones done their part deal yet?" Clyde asked confused on the whole situation.
             "Technically, we aren't allowed to swap back until he catches me singing again, as much as I want my hat back. That ain't happening."
          “Why don't you just take your hat back"
          “He's always watching me…" Stan motioned Kyle over to where Stan was as he was enjoying what was going on.
          “Craig" Kyle called out, Craig hummed in response, "come here" Craig did as told and walked over to them.
          “What do you—" Kyle took Stan's hat off of Craig and gave it to Stan. Before anyone else could react, Craig took the hat back. "Not until it happens." and with that, the 3rd period rung.


Another day after school and Craig was chilling behind the back of the school. He sighed as he pulled out an edible. He took a bite and took in a deep breath. Kenny turned the corner and watched as Craig downed the rest of the brownie
          “Looks like you both have some kind of addiction." Craig looked over and rolled his eyes
          “I don't know what you're talking about."
          “Stan gets drunk, you get high."
          “I’m sure he has his reasons like I have mine.” Craig took the last bit of the brownie and slowly but surely he started to feel drowsy.
          “Yeah, well I think smoking or vaping is much better.”
          “Pfft- that just means you’re weak.” Craig snickered as he slid down against the wall.
          “Are you high already!?” Kenny walked over and sat next to Craig, “geez, you’re just like Stan.”
         “I want Stan…”
          “We all want Stan?” Kenny realized that came out more of a question than a statement, but it also helped due to his confusion.
          “No dumbass, I want Stan, to hold, and to—” Craig started laughing, “He’s so cute, he’s funny, and very chill to hang around”
          “Are you telling me you like him?”
          “Hahaha.. Nooooooo.. I love him” Craig’s laughter went down to a giggle.           “He’s my starlight~”
          “Either—” Kenny stopped himself, “I guess drunken words are sober thoughts.”
          “I have no clue what you’re talking about Kenny boy”
          “Don’t ever call me that again- now come on, you’re coming to my place, don’t want your parents seeing you like this.” Kenny stood up and pulled Craig up to his feet, making sure he doesn’t fall. Kenny makes sure no one is around to spot them and starts making his way to his house.
          “You’re much heavier than I thought you would be-”
          “I’m not heavy!” Craig whined.

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