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Stan and Kyle woke up as the alarm clock blared out, the time blinking: 5:45.
"Dude.. why is your alarm so early?"
"Sorry, it takes me a while to get ready."
"Somehow, I finish early. That's a rare moment."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever -" Stan yawned as he stretched, Kyle rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, tossing the blanket to the side and sliding out of bed. Stan copied Kyle right after.

"Mind if I shower?"
"Go for it." Kyle nods and walks off to the bathroom. He grabs some clothes from Stan's closet and heads to shower. Stan grabs some clothes as well and changes, he wanted to look a bit more presentable than usual. He picked out a white dress shirt with a black sleeveless vest to throw over it, grabbing some black jeans and his not so dirty black converse. He grabs Craig's hat and hairbrush, styling his hair- or at least combing through it- before slipping the blue chullo on.

He grabs his guitar and his guitar case, carefully placing it inside, alongside his music sheet. He grins as his heart races in his chest, and his mind begins to grow fuzzy at the thought.
He grabs his inhaler, and for a second, he contemplated taking a puff. He shrugs before using it. He sighs before stuffing it in his sweater pocket. He ties his sweater around his waist, looking at himself in the mirror.

Kyle walks back into the room, his hair an uncontrolled mess. He takes the hairbrush from Stan and begins brushing his hair, though he seems to struggle a bit. Stan only managed to chuckle as he watched his friend.


Stan decided to leave his guitar in the car. He and Kyle climb out, closing the doors with a loud thud each, locking the car before they head inside.

Kyle immediately walks ahead as he makes his way to his locker, leaving Stan to head to his on his own. He walked over, opening it and grabbing what he'd need for his first class. He spots Craig and smiled, his heart begins to race once again as he walks towards him.
"Hey Craig.." He had a stupid grin plastered on his face as he spoke.
"Hm? Oh, hey, Marsh." He closed his lockers as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. Stan looked up to see his hat. It seemed to have maybe stretched a little, but he didn't care much.
"I was wondering, wanna hang out after school? there's a spot I know, and I think you'd like it, especially at night. You can see the stars clearly."
"Oh?" Craig raised a brow. His tone made it seem like he was highly uninterested, but it was clear to Stan that he was more than interested. Stan nods.

"Yeah! and I have something I want to show you there. Is that cool?"
"Yeah, sure." Craig smiled a bit, "By the way, did you finish the project?"
"Oh, yeah, I did, I submitted it too. We should be good." Craig nods. "Can I have my hat back now?"
"Why?" Craig raised a brow again, "Your hat is nice and all, but I miss mine." Craig thinks for a second before pulling Stan's hat off himself, holding it out.
"Alright, you lost."
"It was a bet, I forgot why, I just remember it was a bet." Stan couldn't help but chuckle, taking of the chullo and handing it to Craig, swapping their hats once again.

"This is so much better," Stan smiled as he no longer felt deaf. "I don't know how you can wear that."
"Keeps my ears warm."
"Makes sense, I felt deaf while wearing it." Craig snickered. He reached over and ruffled Stan's hat and hair, causing it to get a bit messy. "Hey!" Stan said as he pulled his hat off, fixing his hair.

"So orderly today, got some plans?"
"Well, aside from the one we just made? no."
"Hm, interesting, but alright."


Stan waited outside, a bit nervous, Kyle and Kenny walked out before stopping next to him.
"More like nervous"
"You'll be fine, dude."
"Yeah, go get your boyfriend."
"He's not-"
"STAN'S GETTING A BOYFRIEND!?" Cartman blurted out as he walked up behind them, "Oh my god, I was right, you are a gay hippie!" He laughed as he pointed at Stan. "Gay hippie!" Stan's face grew red as he rolled his eyes, walking to his car.

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