San Valentinֶָ֢ (Side Story)

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Craig rummaged through his closet, everything was practically the same. He groaned a bit annoyed with hinself, it wasn't a fancy date, why was he so worked up over it then? He grabbed one of those tuxedo looking graphic tee's, though he found it stupid, it would have to do. Matching it with black jeans and his usual blue sweater over it, alongside Stan's beanie. He looked in the mirror and couldn't help but chuckle to himself. No wonder people mistook him for Stan sometimes, they look weirdly similar. If it weren't for height and their eye colors, they could be the same person.

He walked over to his desk and grabbed his wallet and car keys, and made his way out his room and downstairs.
"I'm heading out, mama!" He shouted, a slight accident being heard as he said 'mama'. Laura peeked around the corner, her smile immediately radiating as she saw her semi-well dressed son.
"ay, look at you mijito! que guapo¹!" Craig felt a but embarrassed as he grew slightly flustered.
"It's not too much or too little?"
"You look just fine, dear" she pulled him into a hug, "you be careful ok? te quiero, tesoro²" she pulled away and kissed his forehead. Craig nods and made his way out to his car, leaving Laura at the door as she waved and watched her son pull out the driveway and head off.


"MOM!" Stan shouted as he rummaged through his drawers, throwing clothes around his room. Sharon walked over and leaned against the doorframe.
"Yes, Stanley?"
"Have you seen Craig's hat? I can't find it anywhere!" He seemed to panic a bit as be continued searching everywhere.
"Oh, yeah. I washed it last night because it stunk. It's in the dryer." Stan perked up and immediately raced out his room and ran down the stairs, almost tripping over, luckily he caught himself on the railing. Sharin followed behind him, laughing a little as she watched her son go crazy. He let out a sigh of relief as he pulled the hat out the dryer. putting it on and facing his mom again.
"Can you PLEASE tell me next time?" Sharon nods as she laughs once again. "I need to clean my room now..."
"That can wait, you don't want to he late for your date now, do you?" Stan shook his head, "thought so, now be careful ok? Be a gentleman and be sure to treat him a bit" she pulled her son into a hug and kissed his cheek, "my baby is growing up so fast!"
"MOM!" Stan whined a little before Sharon let go.
"alright, alright. don't stay out too late now"
"I won't, see you later, mom" Stan smiled and raced out the house.


Stan sat awkwardly in the booth, he glanced around, waiting for someone to walk through the door. He always seemed to hate being alone, and sometimes he would curse his mom for having him grown up to be early.

Craig walked inside and spotted Stan, he walked over and slid into the booth.
"Waited long?" Stan let out a sigh of relief.
"Nope, got here like 10 minutes ago" Craig nods his head.
"Ordered yet?"
"No- funny enough I kept telling her to wait" Stan glanced away and over to the waitress, "even though I am hungry" He turned back over to face Craig when he heard him chuckle.
"Since when are you socially awkward? I thought you were so outgoing, even wrote a really gay songs about those stupid cars when we were little?" Craig raised a brow as a smile appeared on his face.
"Oh my God, I thought that was finally forgotten" He whispered as he covered his face a little.

The waitress came over and asked if they were ready to finally look over the menu, they nod.
"What can I get you both to drink?" she asked as she handed Craig and Stan the menu.
"Hm, I'll take a strawberry milkshake, what about you babe?" Craig answered as he glanced over at Stan, who was still scanning the menu.
"coke please" He looked up at the waitress. She nods and walks off. "Everything looks pretty good here, huh?"
"Well, City Wok has improved from that little corner side food spot from back then."
"Hm, that's true... what are you gonna get?"
"Might get the chicken and broccoli with a side of white rice."
"That's so basic!"
"oh yeah? what are you gonna get then? hm?"
"Crab salad sushi bowl." Stan smiled as he read everything that would be in the dish.
"huh, not what I expected." He chuckled. The waitress came back with their drinks. "thank you" the two boys said.
"Are we ready to order?" she asked as she set the straws on the table and pulling out her notepad.
"I think so" Craig nods as glanced at Stan. "I'll take chicken with broccoli- with brown sauce- and a side of rice."
"Would you like soup or salad?"
"can I change that for 2 spring rolls?" She nods and writes down his order, looking over at Stan.
"I'll take the crab salad sushi bowl." She begins to write it down
"would you also like a spring roll?" she asked
"uh... can I have 2 veggie rolls instead?" she nods and finished writing his order down.
"I'll be back with your orders once they're ready, enjoy" she smiled before walking off, leaving the two alone once again.

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