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Stan sits up and hits his alarm. He stretches as he faces the window. His dad is already working in the fields. He shakes his head and rolls out of bed, getting dressed in something casual. He stares at a shirt he forgot about. Nevermore.
He smiles and decides to try a new look instead. Grabbing a black pair of baggy black jeans and his shirt, as well as a plain white long sleeve shirt, looking for some accessories he ends up sneaking into his sister's room and rummages through her belongings. Finding a spike collar as well as chains and platform boots. He rushes back into his room, adjusting each chain and even the collar, adding some chains to the collar and even decides to style his hair. He looks around for the puffball hat he wore 8 years ago. spotting it under a few bags he pulls it out and fits it on being sure not to disturb his hair so much.

He heads downstairs and runs out over to his dad, trying not to trip.
"Stanley? Oh boy, are you emo again!?"
"Yes and no, it's just the style, I have no reason to go emo. Can I have the keys? I want to drive into town and hang out with my friends."
"Yeah, sure thing, they're hanging by the front door." Stan nods and runs back inside. He heads upstairs and grabs a few belongings, including his inhaler and heads back downstairs.
Grabbing the keys he heads to the car, tossing his bag into the passenger seat and hopping in. He takes his phone out and decides to listen to King for a day.
He drives off into down singing along.


"Hey dudes!" Stan stops in front of Kyle's house.
"Hey- woah Stan, what's with the look?"
"Finally went emo again?" Kenny snickered.
"He probably broke up with Craig" Eric cooed as he started kissing the air.
"Craig and I aren't dating, what the fuck. Look, do you guys want to go to the arcade or what?"
"HELL YEAH!!" The three boys jumped into the car, Stan sped off towards the arcade.

Once in they all head inside, exchanging change for coins, Eric betting with Kyle on who can win the most games. Kenny following Stan as he tells him which games are the best ones to play. They all have fun in the arcade.

Stan let's out a sigh as the death screen displays. He steps out of the booth like game and bumps into Criag.
"Shit, I'm sorry dude."
"I gotta go-"
"Hold up-" but before Craig could say anything else, Stan was out of sight. Stan made his way back to Kenny who seems to have seen the short moment.
"You ok dude?"
"Yeah, just don't want ro get distracted by Craig, I haven't hung out with you guys in a while."
"So you have a crush, no biggie. Go talk to him, Kyle and fatass are still competing and I think I can handle it from here"
"You sure?"
"a hundred percent. now go!" Kenny shoved Stan back towards Craig and ran off.
"Hey.." Stan nervously started
"so it is you, the infamous Stan Marsh. Did you go emo again?" he snickered, Stan rolled his eyes.
"No, just saw my nevermore shirt and thought I could try this style out."
"Looks hot."
"What, nothing." Stan shook his head as Craig looked away. "What are you even doing here? Thought you were at the farm"
"Well, lucky for me, I can drive. Not legally, but I can drive."
"You and your wacky adventures, that makes sense."
"What do you mean wacky!?"
"Dude, you got me sent to Peru. PERU! never got my hundred dollars back."
"How 'bout this? You pay me back by coming with me?"
"where exactly? I don't want the others to think I left them."
"Oh, don't worry, won't be for too long."


"Oh for fucks sakes Craig!" Stan groaned
"How do you like that? Told you I was good" Craig smirked as he started going faster. Stan couldn't keep up, the two boys continued as they made more noise catching the attention of so many others, as well as their friends.
"Dude, what the hell are they doing!?" Kyle shouted as he stared at Stan in shock.
"He's losing dammit!" Eric shouted, Kenny couldn't help but smirk as they watched their friend racing against Craig in one of the arcade games. Eric and Kyle started cheering for their friend, trying to motivate him to win the game against Craig. In the end Craig won 3 games, and Stan won 2. Though they had fun Stan wanted to try and win against Craig in a game.
"Basketball, right now." Stan demanded as he pointed at the basketball game.
"Just don't cry when I win" Craig got up and made his way over with Stan following as he made it seem like he was gonna slap him.
They stood in front of the game, the crowd watching and growing.
"Kick his ass Stan!" The boys shouted, Stan smiled as he slipped in a dollar and grabbed a ball
They started making baskets, Craig being not so much experienced did a surprisingly good job for the game, Stan on the other hand, was making every basket he could, after the 2 minutes they looked at their scores. Stan had 250 and Craig had 139. Stan cheered as Craig rolled his eyes. Stan smiled triumphantly and put a hand on Craig's back.
"Better luck next time."
"You, me, football. Right now." Craig turned to Stan and punched him in the chest in a playful manner. Stan smirked, he's played football for years, he's got this in the bag.
"You're walking straight to your death, Fucker."
"Oh you're so on Marsh." They ran off towards the football game as the crowd followed, now more interested than before. Practically the whole arcade watching them play against each other.

There they were, throwing the footballs into the holes in the sheet in the back, 2 footballs left, throwing them in, Stan's football bounced off the sheet as Craig's went through.
"Don't get too excited, I still beat your ass." Stan smirked and pointed at the little score board.
"You know, I really hate how you have more experience with sports."
"Yeah, well that happens when your dad forces you to- I need to go."
"Already? we just started."
"Sorry dude, see you in school."
"Stan?" Kyle called out as he pushed through the crowd.
"I need to go back Kyle, I can drop you guys off if you'd like?"
"Nah, the boys and I will keep playing here for a bit, you go on ahead, stay safe alright?" Stan nods and runs off to the car. Throwing the door open he gets in and takes out his inhaler, taking a quick puff.

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