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Craig ran out the school and onto the field, he spotted Stan and ran over, sliding in the grass and slipping in front of the other
          “Are you ok!?" Stan set his lunch to the side and stood up, looking at the dazed Craig.
          “I'm fine, I'm fine, I didn't think I'd slip so easily"
          “Did you forget it rained last night?"
          “a hundred percent." Craig stood up and dusted himself off, "great, I'm muddy now.. at least my jacket is ok"
          “I have extra-"
          “you're not exactly my size, you're shorter anyways"
          “Well, It's better than nothing but ok." Stan sat back down and went back to eating his lunch, "new jacket?"
          “you like?" Craig smiled as he held it out and spun around, "I got this recently for my birthday!"
          “Space nerd" Stan teased
          “marine nerd" Craig added as he sat down next to Stan, "whatcha listening to?"
          “Just some random songs, Space song is playing right now"
          “Space song?" Stan nods and holds an earbud out, Craig takes it and puts it up to his ear.
          “It's not really about space-"
          “Oh, this is nice.."
          “it was late at night, you help on tight~ from an empty sea, a flash of light~ it will take a while, to make you smile, somewhere in these eyes, I'm on your side~" Craig sung along as best as he could
          “you know this song?"
          “heard it here and there, didn't know what it was called so, thanks for helping me find it" Craig smiled and got closer to Stan. Stan finished his sandwich and sighed as he laid his head on Craig's shoulder.
          “I won't lie.. this is kind of nice"
          “Yeah, would've been nicer if you weren't eating though" Craig laughed.
          “Hey, I didn't get the chance to eat breakfast ok!" Stan nudged Craig as they both laughed.
          “You wanna just skip next period and go somewhere?"
          “where to?"
          “hm.. Stark's pond?"
          “It's still there? I haven't been there I years"
          “Well they did manage to bring the water back, no ones built on it since."
          “yeah,, guess that would be nice then" the song ended and another played afterwards. Stan's face grew red as the song continued.
          “Didn't think you to be the Arctic Monkeys type, I wanna be yours huh?" Craig teased, "I wanna be yours~ Secrets I have held in my heart~"
          “S, shut up, it's a good song ok"
          “I never said it wasn't. What? Got caught?"
          “Caught in what!?"
          “You tryna tell me something here Marsh?"
          “Oh shut up asshole!" Stan stood up and tugged on the earbud. Craig couldn't help but laugh at this. "Let's go, before the bell rings." Craig nods and stands, taking Stan's hand and running to Stark's pond.


          “Slow down!"
          “No way! we're almost there!"
          “I'm gonna fall, dumbass!" Stan shouts trying to keep up with Craig.
          “not my fault you're short!" Craig laughed and continued running. Stopping a fee minutes later, causing Stan to fall over.
          “Dammit Craig!" Stan shouted as he got back up and dusted himself off, "Now I'm covered in mud too."
          “We're even now." Stan shook his head and walked over to the pond. Finding a stable rock and sitting on it. He pulls out his phone and shuffles the playlist, a new song playing.
          “mind the company?" Craig sat on a neighboring rock as Stan looked at him and smiled, Craig leaned over, resting his head on Stan's lap, "so what songs playing this time?"
          “same one that you heard me singing almost a month ago."
          “I'm still waiting for my hat back"
          “Nah, I think it suits me better, I know for a fact my hat suits you way better too." Stan smiled as he started messing with the red puff ball.
          “Why don't you sing for me?"
          “cause then I have to give you your hat back"
          “I mean, you can keep it, I can buy another one" Craig smiles and shrugs.
          “Keep wearing mine and we have a deal"
          “Why? promise ring replacements?" Craig teased as a small blush creeps on his face. Stan's eyes widen as he too starts to blush.
          “No, just because it's fun?" Stan mutters something under his breathe, somehow Craig wasn't able to hear it.
          “so what song do you want me to sing?"
          “what songs do you know?" Stan hands Craig his phone with his playlist open. Scrolling through the selection he stops and looks at a certain one.
          “This one, sweater weather" Stan hands Craig an earbud and takes his phone, picking the song.
          “All I am, is a man, I want the world in my hand~ I hate the beach but I stand in California with my toes in the sand~ use the slaves of my sweater, let's have an adventure, head in the clouds but my gravity is centered~ touch my neck and I'll touch yours, you in those little high waisted shorts~" as Stan continued singing Craig closed his eyes and crossed his legs, moving his foot to the rhythm of the sing. "Cause it's too cold for you here~ so now let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater~"

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