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Tweek glanced at Craig who kept his head down, occasionally he would pick his head up to look at his phone. Tweek figured he could text him to be sure everything was alright.


ᵗʷᵉᵉᵏ ᵗʷᵉᵃᵏ:
Hey Craig. Are you ok?


Tweek glanced over at Craig, he didn't seem to bother looking at his phone at first, then he did. He glanced over to Tweek and gave him a thumbs up

Tweek sighed and smiled before going back to focusing in class. Meanwhile, Craig fiddled with his phone, he continued Turing it on and off, finally choosing to just listen to music. He got headphones and started listening to a playlist both Clyde and Tolken made for him.
His playlist in shuffle, as soon as he clicked play an ad started playing to which he groaned and laid his head down.
   "enjoy the next 30 minutes of uninterrupted listening" some beating began to play before the song started. Smooth Criminal. Craig smiled a bit, tapping his fingers against the desk.

Craig suddenly jumped up in his desk when he heard a ruler hit the edge. He looked up to see his teacher.
   "Mr.Tucker, we aren't having any issues here, are we?" Craig stayed silent as he glared at the teacher
  "Actually, Mrs... Craig has been feeling sick all day, a few friends and I advised him to keep his head down and try to rest since he isn't allowed to miss on any school days anymore" Tweek interrupted as he held his hand up, he twitched at the end of his statement. Their teacher looks at Craig as if examining him, he seems to slowly look more tired as they continue staring at each other.
   "Alright. I'll let it slide, however, you do still need to do the work Mr.Tucker."
  "Whatever." she scoffed before walking back up to the board.


I know this one was pretty short, but I wanna include scenes between our main two and their other friends, so here's some Craig and Tweek scenes.

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