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Classes were still and dull. Stan doodled in his notebook instead of taking proper notes. The margins were filled with aquatic animals, from whales to random fish he gave too much detail in.
He looked up at the board and watched as the teacher set her expo marker down and allowed the students to write their notes, doing just that to at least pass the subject.

     "Alright, students. Tomorrow, we will be postponing our lesson til next week. We have a school wide assembly the principal has planned. Homework will also have an extension until our next lesson. Any questions?"
     "What is the assembly about?"
     "I am not sure. The principal hasn't informed us of what it'll hold."

The room went silent for a bit, causing the students to shrug as they began packing their things.
     "Don't forget to finish your assignments due  next proper class. Have a good day, everyone." The teacher smiled and sat down at her desk as she began— what it seemed— grading papers.

Stan finished up his notes and began shoving loose papers into a folder, as well as his notebooks into his bag.
     "psst, Stan. " Stan looked up, Tolken waved at him, Stan waved awkwardly before finishing up and standing up. The bell ringing, signaling that everyone can transition to their next class period.
Tolken, having done the same, he speed walks over to Stan, placing a hand on his shoulder.
      "Yo dude,"
      "What's up, Tolken?
      "You remember the whole Wendy thing?" Stan nods, "Well... thought about it, and I think it's best I officially end things with her."
      "ok, cool, uh... why are you telling me?" Tolken shrugged as his hand fell from Stan's shoulder.
      "Incase you are thinking of wanting to get with her again? I don't know, man."
      "Yeah, no. Our last break was just that, our last. She wants the reputation, and I really could care less."
      "Good to hear, man." Tolken smiled.
      "Boys, you should head to class." Their teacher suddenly interjected. They looked at her and smiled nervously before they rushed out the classroom, bidding their goodbyes and rushing off as the warning bell went off.

The last period went quietly, Stan occasionally dozed off and would suddenly wake up as his head slipped off his palm. On one occasion, his head managed to slam onto the desk, which caused everyone to laugh a little. The teacher shook his head before going back to teaching.
Stan looked up at the board and then the clock, half an hour left of class, let alone school. He wanted to so badly leave and go out with his friends or something, just have fun.


Craig lay in bed. He let out a heavy and tired sigh as he forced himself to sit up. He looked over at Stripes' cage, standing up he waddled over and picked up his guinea pig.
     "Why are you staring at me like that?" he asked Stripes as he raised a brow. Stripes just stared at him, his nose twitching as he seemed to be sniffing around, letting out small squeaks. "Not gonna talk, eh?" he spoke up once more before placing Stripes back into the cage. He waddled over to his bed and fell back onto it, placing his arm over his eyes.
      "Never thought I would feel like shit." He laughed at himself before coughing.

      "Craig? Honey? are you alright in there?"
      "I'm fine, mom!"
      "Is the coughing getting worse? do you feel worse?" Laura asked with concern, her voice growing closer before she opened the door and peeked inside, "You haven't eaten anything yet, dear. Do you at least want a smoothie?"

A smoothie sounds nice right about now. The boy sat up and looked at his mom, nodding his head.
       "I am a little hungry..." He admitted.
       "Alright, I'll get you some lunch then." she smiled before leaving the room and closing the door, the boy alone once again. He sat there in silence before he looked up at his ceiling. They were old and slightly coming off, but the glow in the dark stars hung on, as well as his hand-made planets. A small smile plastered his face as he looked at them, turning his attention over to the window.
        "Wonder if mom will care if I lay outside..." He wondered out loud before hearing his mom calling him to eat.

He scooted off his bed and made his way down where he saw some pernil¹ and arroz con dulce².
A smile creeper up his face before he rushed over and sat down, immediately taking the pernil and devouring it. His mom watched with a small smile before speaking up.
     "Craig, honey, afterward, I will be giving you some medicine," Craig let out a small annoyed groan before reluctantly nodding his head. "Good." Laura smiled before walking out the kitchen, but not before patting Craig's head.

He got up and walked over to his mother, tugging on her sleeve to get her attention.
      "Finished? how are you feeling?"
      "Fine.. thanks for the food. " she smiled down at him before standing up, walking over to the medicine cabinet and got some cold medicine, pouring a little onto a spoon before holding it up for him, instinctively Craig opened his mouth and consumed it, making a face at the bitter taste.
        "Alright, go to bed now, dear." she pat his head before Craig nodded and made his way back to his room.

sorry, this is short. It's been long enough, and I wanna write more out so they might be much shorter :')
From now on, everything with a small number will be explained after the chapter, like a little footnote :D

Pernil¹: a slow-roasted marinated pork leg or pork shoulder common in Latin American cuisine
Arroz con dulce²: coconut rice pudding

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