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Samantha's Pov

When I cut myself and the painkillers kicked in. I was out of it until I heard someone call me.

I couldn't talk as I tell they need me. When the bathroom door open my body was leaning against it.

Somehow I was off up aware of my area. That voice was familiar as I finally blacked out and found me in the hospital.

My feet were cuffed to the bed as my cuts were cleaned and sewn up. I looked around until my hand moved.

I felt someone's hair I looked down and saw a blonde man sleeping on the edge of my bed.

Matthew, I knew it was him because I told him I didn't want to talk about us. Yet he showed up to see me and found me dying.

Fuck else knows I'm here as I moved my legs. But I forgot they were cuffed as I hear voices. I pretend to be asleep as they walked in.

"She fine now but we had to cuff her just in case she ran off it's for her mental state." someone said.

"Will she need to take any medication or see someone to talk about her problems?" a guy asked.

"Yes we need to find out why she did it if this jas happen the first time." the first person said.

Someone walking I could just feel the other person watching me.

"Hey, Matt how long have you been here?" he asked.

"Two hours, I couldn't sleep so I left home early to see her and I just fall asleep waiting for her," he explained.

Adam was here too I knew it my brother knew what I did fuck my life is over. It was quiet for a second as I felt scared to fake wake up.

"The police are looking through her room to see if someone has pressured her to harm herself," Adam said.

"I feel so bad I should have seen any signs but I didn't."Matt sighed.

"It's not your fault she has been through a lot but I will let you know if I see that ex of her I will kill him and drop his dead body right in front of that family of his," Adam said.

My ex Jacob wasn't the best towards me and Adam had warned him.

"Still, Adam why does it hurt so much?" Matt asked.

"Because you feel guilty about it," Adam said.

When they left I opened my eyes and I cried. Matt still loved me as my feelings towards him were cold.

He had to save thinking maybe she will love him if I show I care. I care for matt but not as a boyfriend just as a family friend.

"Your up Miss Gontier." the doctor said.

I looked at her with Adam and Matt, fuck.

"Let me guess I need meds and to talk to someone," I said.

"You do but we not rush you for now because you will be moved to a place for people mentally unstable." She said.

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