My Darkest Days

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Matt's pov

When she said the band was going to be signed I wanted to scream. I couldn't believe it until we meet Chad Kruger from Nickelback.

And once everything was signed we started writing music. As Samantha and her friends were touring.

"So how it felt that your girl is out touring? Chad asked.

"Weird but I'm happy," I said.

"Weird?" Chad asked.

"She is getting famous fast and fans are already saying what guy would be the perfect match with her," I explained.

"Like Brent Smith from Shinedown," he said.

"Or Ben from Breaking Benjamin," I replied.

Chad could understand about fans shipping her with other rock stars. As I was a mess I couldn't live without her.

I had a notebook to write in as I saw a page samantha wrote in. I knew it was her handwriting because she would put Matty and Sammy.

With a few hearts drawn on the page with the words like nobody else. That was it my brain was thinking as I started to write.

"I'm guessing you got an idea." Chad smiled.

"Yeah, a love song," I replied.

"Well, I'm going to record some lyrics for porn star dancing, I will let you write your heart out." He said.

As he walked off I started to think about Samantha and how I felt towards her. My writing was crazy but my heart and lyrics feel the same about Samantha.

Like nobody else

My problem would be between my band and Chad if we think the love song is good for the album. People would already know I'm Brad walst brother.

They know I and Samantha are engaged and I'm Adam Gontier's brother-in-law. I waited for a sign to ask if we could record the song. That was when I heard my phone ringing and I saw Samantha was calling me.

"Hey babe," I answered.

"Matt do you love or is it a lie?" she asked.

"Why do I love what's going on," I asked.

"I had a dream you said that you loved me but it was because I was rich or Adam Gontier's sister," she explained.

She missed being near me, she was not used to dealing with a big crowd of people and now Samantha is Adam's sister what if they are crazy fans?

"Samantha are there rumors going around that we are only together because you are Adam's sister or the rich part?" I asked.

"Just Adam's sister part they don't know about My darkest days yet," she replied.

They didn't and once they know I'm Samantha's future husband. Fans will try to break us up by getting us to cheat.

"I'm touring with Avenged Sevenfold and Slipknot," Samantha said.

"So cool," I replied.

"It is until Avenged Sevenfold tries and asks you out for drinks." She sighed.

"I think they know better than to sleep with any of you and Brittney is married to Brad and they have their sons," I said.

"Corey Taylor said the same thing and I just can't believe he asked for Queen of Chaos as one of the bands." She explained.

Corey Taylor asked for Queens Of Chaos is great and Samantha is a big fan of Slipknot and Corey. She even listens to Stone Sour as well.

Samantha's Pov

My hands shook as I walked to Matt about our tour with Slipknot and Avenged Sevenfold. If Matt had seen how Avenged Sevenfold acted he would be mad.

"Corey has been great like a big brother towards me, I guess he doesn't want Adam to be mad with him," I said.

"Or that he knows Adam is a man to respect and Corey is showing respect by picking your band to spread the band out farther," Matt explained.

"You're right but I have to go it's lunchtime," I said.

"bye babe," he replied.

"Bye honey," I replied.

When I hung up the phone the band's dressing room door opened up. Corey was so cool and so lucky the man was so nice to us.

"I heard you talking to your man, I didn't want to break the call," Corey said.

"Oh, thanks," I replied.

Corey walked in with Paul and Jim I was happy, 3 members out of 9 aren't bad.

"I know you explained about your cuts but can I ask why?" Jim asked.

"Why did I cut myself well too scared to pull the trigger and putting poison in my food or die k was no help and with a knife it was quick and easy and Adam's old painkillers it made it less painful." I sighed.

Wow, usually I'm crying thinking about that day but I guess I kind of over it. I still get stressed out but to have a huge rockstar asked me why I just went with it.

"Your poor thing, you are welcome into this world we all have our flaws and demons and to let you know just because your brother is famous isn't why your band is doing well it's because you're reaching out to fans who understand your music," Paul said.

"If you ever feel unsafe let us know," Corey said.

"I don't feel safe," I replied.

"bad thoughts?" Corey asked.

"Can you get Avenged Sevenfold to stop with the sexist remarks?" I asked.

Jim and Paul looked at each other as Corey made a deep growl he asked what did they do to you? I shook for a second as I sighed.

"Om, since are new and an all-female band they think it's ok to hit on us and give them sex beca

Before I could finish my words Corey wasn't happy. 

"Queens Of Chaos is a brand new band with good music and talented women, not a female band who is how for eye candy or to pleasure the other bands." Corey growled.

Whoa, Corey wasn't happy as he went into a big brother stage to protect me and my friends.

"Go to Slipknot's room with the others," Corey said.

So I walked off to find the others and wait like Corey said.

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