New City New Life

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Matt's pov

Once it was the 8th day I knew Samantha would leave me.

"Samantha I wan

Before I could finish my sentence she hugged him and started to cry.

"Please don't go. " she cried.

"Are you ok? " I asked.

"I talked with the family and I realized that I like being with you," she said.

Liked being with me maybe was hearing things. As I hugged her back I news as well to share.

"I'm starting a band I know it will be rough but I think maybe within a few years we can hit it big," I said.

"Have you decided on where to move to? " she asked.

"The city. " I replied.

"Well, that works out because my grandfather just rent an apartment for me it has 4 bedrooms, and if need we can have people stay. " She said.

"That's good," I replied.

And whoever wants to be in a band with me as Samantha goes to College. Plus three days grace was also in the city so more family time with my brother.

I don't know to believe in Samantha wanting to be a couple of me starting a rock band that would give me a good life.

"Matty! " Neil called out.

"Hey dude," I said.

I just grabbed the last box for our apartment. I and Samantha had just got all our stuff into our new home.

Candace and Sal moved in with us and Cale and Alexis were a few blocks down from us.

"How do you feel? " Neil asked Samantha.

"Good." She replied.

"Well, I and Janine are happy for you going to college any ideas on want you to want to major in? " Neil asked.

"I don't know if it's between an art major or maybe a Music major." She replied.

"You do love your art and music. " I said.

She was always drawing or Music if not playing it I would see her write down small lyrics.

"Where is everyone else? " I asked.

"Adam and Brad are busy in the studio and I'm on break to grab lunch with Barry, we saw you and Samantha and stop to say hi," Neil said.

"Where is Barry? " I asked.

"Here," Barry replied.

He had flowers in his hands as he handed them to Samantha.

"They are for your apartment," He said.

"Thanks. " Samantha said.

That's nice of him to make her feel welcome. We need to start on a good foot as we wished them goodbye.

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