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Matt's Pov

On the second day of our dating, I spotted the mailman dropping off mail.

"Samantha replied from the college," I said.

As I grabbed it and walked into the house with it. The family was having a cookout for Samantha finishing high school.

"Hey brad and Brittney," I said.

"Hey what's that?" Brittney asked.

"College letter," I said.

"Oh, good we need that," Adam said walking up.

So I gave him the letter as he got everyone's attention towards him.

"Ok everyone we are here because my sister has finished school and now maybe start college," Adam said as he held the letter.

Samantha looked worried but I knew the college said yes she was number one in school.

Adam opened the letter and read it to everyone.

"Ok, here it is she going to college," Adam said.

Everyone is happy now as I knew I had to move with her. The only problem was I didn't have a job.

"bro if you make it past the one week of dating you need to figure out what to do with your life," Neil said.

As I thought about why not start a band, I did help with three days grace first album.

I looked at Samantha as I knew she was worried. She was about to move to a new city which meant making new friends.

The friends she had she knew since childhood. Maybe this was a good thing it would help push her out of her comfort zone.

"Congratulations on going to your dream college," I said.

"Thanks." she frowned.

I could tell she had a lot on her mind as I sat down beside her. The silence was enough for me to know that maybe we weren't meant to be a couple.

"Matthew, I was even good enough to be here?" Samantha asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I'm good enough to be alive and be a part of this town and have a life with family and friends," she explained.

"When people find out you tried to kill yourself, everyone was trying to figure out why," I said.

"Probably so they can save their heads." She replied.

"Your mother was raising hell with father about not spending time with you, Adam too scared to speak about it just shut himself off and wrote more music," I said.

As I sighed my mind replayed that night as the next few weeks I lashed out at everyone who tried to her name on the ground.

That was when I grabbed a cigarette and put a light on it and smoked. My nerves were shot from that night.

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