Like Nobody Else

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Samantha's Pov

Wow, I can't believe it's been a year being in a band and My darkest days just released their album.

"So tomorrow it's settled you and Matt are getting married," Alexis said.

"I know it's kind of weird to have it the day before Halloween but everyone is waiting," I replied.

Candace and Brittney walked into the studio as I was looking at some pictures of me and Matt. They wanted to show off us growing up then dating then getting married.

"aw, I remember this it was your birthday, and I and brad had got you a skateboard because you wanted to be a pro skate," Brittney said.

"Yeah, Matt got jealous because it was a tony Hawk skateboard." I smiled.

"Until you start crushing on Bam Margera," Candace said.

"I heard Matt throw a fit after I got the board because girls don't skate." I laughed.

"He was because you were the better skater than him," Brittney said.

The photos brought back memories as I realized Matt was jealous of me. As I paused and thought why did Matt fall in love with me?

"Matt just told you, he fall in love with you?" Brittney asked.

"Yeah," I answered.

"As a friend and future sister-in-law on your 16th birthday when you were removing your helmet after riding your four wheelers Matt spotted you and something clicked in his mind and heart and he realized that he had been in love with you for a while and the feelings finally surfaced," Brittney said.

So Matt had fallen in love with one look as it had built up for years because we had both become of the age of falling in love.

"Aww, wished he would say something sooner your ex was a manwhore." Candace said.

"Don't remember me of my ex." I sighed.

As I looked at the photos I found one ripped. An ex-picture as I didn't rip it so who did? When I turned it around it had written on it.

"If I knew I would have waited, I would have made love to her as my first girlfriend as I would have been her first as well." I read.

Matt, you didn't know that you would love me but it is sweet that you waited for me. I was smiling as my friends looked at me.

"You are glowing a lot more it shows what a good man can do," Alexis said.

"Yeah." I smiled.

Matt's Pov

I and the guys were at my parent's home as I was looking for some pictures. The groomsmen and bride maids wanted old photos of me and samantha.

"Told you mom would have a mountain of photos," Brad said.

"Mountains of photos." I joked.

The dinner table had stacks of books and school pictures of us. I can't believe Mom never got rid of them.

"Mom any clue in founding photos of me and samantha or separate?" I asked.

"Yes, I label the books," she replied.

As I looked Sal and Cale walked in with Vhs tapes. As I saw the tape label as thought maybe used some tape.

"Hey, your Mom is Samantha's 16th birthday taped," Sal said.

Me and Brad looked at each other and both said let's watch it. As we took a break from the photos and got my parent's old VHS player out.

We got lucky as we just pressed play as the tape played. It showed everyone with their current girlfriends/Wives at the time.

Of course, I was on Miss Gontier's wide front porch as everyone was outside playing since it was a sunny summer day.

Adam was on the grill with Cale, Neil, and Janine fixing the tables to eat at. Naomi was talking to Miss Gontier. Brad and Brittney brought out the plates and dinnerware.

Alexis just walked up and kissed Cale on the cheek as I was in the corner watching everyone. Candace was on the camera as she yelled out where is Sal?

Sal was behind as he had popped a balloon near her and almost made her drop the camera. As you could hear Candace cussing her boyfriend out.

"I forgot Candace cussed like a sailor back then."Sal joked.

As we continued to watch we heard a four-wheeler come through the driveway and then a burnout. Once the four-wheeler got close to people it slowed down.

"Wait for Matt's reaction." Brad laughed.

The person took off their helmet as it was Samantha. No, glasses got her ears pierced and she even dyed her hair black.

The me in the video has my eyes on her as I was dazed at her beauty. In the video, Brad walked passed me and nudge me to move to her.

"Told you to talk to her." Brad nudge me.

"You can't lie seeing her like that I don't know how every guy at school doesn't want to date her," Sal said.

Then when I thought about it did I tell samantha of when I fell in love with her? Maybe I should write it down and tell her at the wedding.

"I just can't believe it felt like yesterday when this happen," I said.

"I know Neil and Janine are married with kids, Brad and brittney are married with two boys Adam and Naomi are married, Sal and Candace are engaged and so are Alexis and Cale, and me and samantha are getting tomorrow," I said.

"It seems like our group is getting bigger," Brad said.

"four rock bands in one room tomorrow, Three days grace, Art of Dying, Queen of Chaos, and My darkest days," Sal said.

Then right this will be great for us as family and friends. As my phone ding samantha had messaged me about her grandfather.

"He said yes to walking me down the aisle." she texted.

Now the wedding was perfect as we continued to watch the video.

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