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Matt's pov

The next few years were rough for both of us as I struggled to my darkest days signed. Samantha was finishing her last year in college.

"Still not a contact." I sighed.

"Don't worry," Dougie said.

"Any word about Samantha's job?" Sal asked.

"Not yet she said it's a surprise," I replied.

It's funny how the world works her college show had a talent show and she and some friends had performed a three days grace song.

That night a man walked up and wanted to sign them on the spot. I told them she should sign she has a great voice along with her beautiful looks.

"Hey babe," Sal said.

Candace walked in with Alexis who was Cale Gontier's girlfriend and one of Samantha's friends. Ok, where is she I wonder as I spotted my sister-in-law Brittney.

"She is coming to Matt She has a lot on her mind to say," Brittney said.

Samantha was the last to show up as she had a big brown envelope in her hands.

"I thought about what everyone has been saying about the talent show and how the girls and I sounded so I talked to the guy and we have decided as a group to take the job," Samantha announced.

"So we are the ones dating rock stars," Sal said.

"This is great just think fans are going to lose it when they found out you are Adam Gontier's Sister and Brittney is Married to Brad Walst and Alexis is dating Cale Gontier the band has famous family or lovers," I said.

Samantha could see I was happy as she hugged me and started to cry. She knew this would change our relationship.

As I was still struggling to get a sign but I didn't care about that I cared that my girlfriend was happy. Her voice was beautiful and unique.

"I can't wait to see and hear the album," I said.

I knew the music would be good I mean we grew up watching our brothers create and form three days grace.

So hopefully it rubs onto me and samantha as well with the music genes.

"Brad still can't believe I got the job as a bass player," Brittney said.

"A couple with the same job in two different bands." I laughed.

An all-female band how would this play out I knew the attention would be high because they are females.

Samantha's Pov

The lead singer would did I start as I watched our friends laugh and smile. This was Matt's dream not mine.

I just did it to see I felt and because the man who hired us said our music was different.  But I knew we would only sell if we were good and pretty enough.

Not only that stalkers would follow me or worst ones claim that they are in love with me. As I find out Adam my brother is like their hero.

"Hey, are you ok?" Matt said.

"Yeah just thinking," I replied.

He held my hand and smiled as I could tell it was ok to be scared. I just hope Matt gets signed maybe it would be better.

After everyone was talking I wanted to leave but I couldn't leave I went straight to the studio to start recording with the girls.

The guys had another small venue to perform at and I sat down with the man who signed us.

"Can't believe you ladies said yes so any names for the band or a note to a song?" he asked.

"Queens of Chaos," I answered.

"It's different and everyone knows the band is all female," he said.

As we stepped into the studio I had a notebook. The notebook I had was old I had it since I was 15 and now I'm 21.

"Geez, Samantha you still have that book," Candace said.

"I do," I replied.

"Look," Alexis said.

She pointed out something in the book as I read it. I forgot I wrote that as I started to realize that Matt did love me.

"Listen, August 30, 2001, the first week of high school made it through as I'm delighted to know Matt is not in school with me, that boy can't do anything without being high. He is a womanizer he needs to learn about life not what's between a woman's legs. Today, when I got home he was there with Adam and Brad. I wanted to throw up I can't still him. He called me a freshman amd laughed. Whoa good joke, I replied then said at least I'm not a loser with no job or money. He shut his mouth quickly as I can see him look away." Brittney read.

"Harsh on Matt, Samantha," Candace said.

"I was 15 plus I didn't think I would ever date matt." I sighed.

As I played with my grandma's ring as I thought of Matt. I felt so bad I'm here making music as he is still struggling.

Thank you, Matthew, for not giving up on me that night. I had to do something to repay him for that night.

"I'm going to say it I think you and Matt should be engaged," Alexis said.

"It has been a few years and we are all married or engaged," Candace replied.

That they were right as I texted Matt to meet in a few hours.

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