She with You

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Samantha's Pov

After my first tour with Queens of Chaos, my hero my rockstar Corey Taylor let the whole world know that I was taken by someone.

And it wasn't him Corey cared for the music and wanted everyone to have fun and be different. I enjoyed the tour until the other band wanted to be assholes.

I loved touring and Corey being a big brother to me. I felt happy at my last concert Matt showed up. I know he was in the middle of writing but I was happy.

"Matthew!" I called out.

He looked towards me as I ran to see him and the others were confused. I guess they thought I calling Shadows but I was calling my Matthew.

Corey was the first to see me as I was holding Matt's hand as we talked. When Corey walked up I could see Matt's face change.

"Your Corey Taylor it's an honor meeting you." He said.

"The honor is mine I get to meet the man who saved these Angel life," Corey replied.

"Angel?" Matt said.

"Your girl is a big deal and with her story of suicide and having someone there who cared for her more people are opening up," Corey explained.

"I believe she here for a reason." Matt Joked.

The rest of Slipknot come up and greeted Matt as well. I could see he was shocked that everyone knew him. But Matt was mine and I had to talk about him.

"So I'm she told you about them?" Joey asked.

"Yeah, I'm guessing some men don't realize not all women are going to want to sleep around." Matt joked.

"True but your girl and her bandmates are new and for anyone to be with them it's a big deal," Paul explained.

"Don't worry I explained to the other bands and said Samantha is engaged and engaged to someone she has known for years and just because you're famous doesn't mean you sleep with any girl," Corey said.

"Samantha has a lot of big brothers, I mean three days Grace claim blood or not Samantha their little sister," Matt said.

I forgot Neil said that on a tour geez, I need fewer brothers. But I was grateful I had family and friends and now fans.

"And by the way when the wedding you guys have been engaged for a while?" Jim asked.

"Oh, October 30, 2010," Matt said.

"Wait, they approved the date for the wedding?" I asked.

"The venue and dining area are clear for that day all we need to do is wedding dress and other outfits and a few other things and we are good," Matt said.

Matt's Pov

We both agreed on a date as it was set and to know Slipknot knows our date. I know of wanting to invite them and to have a band we like would be cool.

"The day before that's great a wedding get a drink and do it again for Halloween." Corey laughs.

"We still did not send an invite would all of you like one?" I asked.

"I'm down for it," Craig said.

As Slipknot agreed I heard the other band walking in and I liked them as a band but as men I was upset.

I could see Samantha close down and get close to me. As the rest of Slipknot quieted down to see if anyone from Avenged Sevenfold would say something.

"Hey guys and girl," Syn said.

Samantha's crush in Avenged Sevenfold spoke of course. She told me when he found out he was trying his best to get her to drink with him.

"Oh, Guys this is Matt Walst, he is Samantha's fiance and Brad Walst's brother," Corey said.

"You look different than your brother," M. Shadows replied.

"I favor more of my mother," I said.

I could tell they weren't looking at me but Samantha behind me as she didn't want anything to do with them.

"Anyway Corey if you want me to I can give you my number and I can send out the invites for you the others," I said.

"Wait she with you, we heard that Samantha had to lie about being engaged to get people to leave her alone," Johnny replied.

"We have been engaged for a while probably since she started recording her album and giving me the news my band is getting signed and right now I'm break from recording so I could see my girl." I boomed.

I could see Corey as he knew that there was no way Avenged Sevenfold would try anything with samantha.

"Well, congratulations I know a lot of fans are talking about Adam's Sister marrying Brad's brother," M. Shadows said.

When they walked away I could feel Samantha's hand tighten on my hand. She had a bad past I'm not letting some famous rockstar try and even sleep with her.

"She wasn't joking about how you protect her," Jim said.

"Wait did you tell them about it?" I asked.

"I'm sorry I was napping in the dressing room and Corey came to check on me and I started sweating and throwing up," she said.

"As a father, I understand why you flipped out and hurt the man, he took your child from you and messed up your girl's mind to the where she was scared to even walk alone anymore, I heard it and decided to watch samantha because I hate for anything to happen and have you murder someone plus whenever your band released their album I liked to tour with you as well," Corey said.

Wow, Corey Taylor no wonder people love this man.

"Thanks," I said.

As we exchanged numbers I was in disbelief that I had a moment with a big star.

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