I Love You

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Samantha's Pov

But I don't want to ask Matt to marry me, it's the guy's job to do the asking. I mean it's a guy's how to ask for a hand in marriage, right?

"on my way." Matt texted.

"Ok," I replied.

I was waiting as I knew I didn't even have a ring or something for Matt. Marriage means a whole life with him. And what if we are married with good jobs?

He might want to have kids or a dog or a cat for all I know. What happens if my band gets famous and he is home with the kids for weeks or months?

"Samantha?" a voice said.

I looked up to see Matt, I could see he was busy because he had a bag in his hand. Probably buying some cigarettes or something for Mrs.Wlast since her birthday was around the corner.

"Sorry, My mind is on overload with college and the album," I said.

"Well good thing its dinnertime." he smiled.

As we walked into our favorite place to eat I felt uneasy with the air like something was wrong. The owner spotted us as he liked us as a couple.

"Look it's my favorite love bird," he said.

He put us in the best spot and served us. which was very rare as we knew the menu by heart. We order as he bought a bottle of wine for us.

"Here it's a congratulation on college and your band making music," he said.

I was stunned as I'm not much of a drinker but hell free wine. As we got our glasses I could see Matt playing with the bag.

What was going on maybe he had something important and wanted to make sure it was broken.

"Matthew is everything ok?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah just waiting on something." He replied.

When we got here I started to eat as the owner amd Matt were whispering about something. Matt handed him the bag as the owner smiled at me.

Ok weird but whatever I just when back to my food as we are the food. I was stuffed but I had to get dessert it was between chocolate cake and pie.

"Don't wait I will order dessert go used the restroom," Matt said.

"ok," I replied as I thought it was weird.

When I was im the restroom I heard more people walk in. Maybe a big family would come in as I washed my hands

I heard a whisper again and when I walked in the restaurant was dimmed lightly as I barely made it to the table.

The owner comes out with a special dessert and I smiled. Of course, it was his way of congratulations me.

But seriously I need some lights on to eat as he placed the dessert down. It was a chocolate cake with words written on the plate.

"Why did it say will you marry me?" I asked.

"What no way." Matt smiled.

"Look," I replied.

As he read it he just smiled even more I felt something coming and my dumbass couldn't figure it out.

"I think I got the wrong dessert," I said.

"Are you sure?" Matt asked.

As he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box and opened it. The ring wasn't big but it was pretty and this was crazy.

Matt's Pov

She was stunned as she showed no emotions towards the ring or me asking her to marry me.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, sorry I froze for a second." She said.

As she looked at me and smiled maybe she had an answer for me.

"Yes." she smiled.

Wait she said yes now my mind froze as I couldn't believe she didn't fight it. The lights came as our family and friends were there to record the moment.

As I slipped on Samantha's ring everyone walked towards us.

"Congrats," Brad said as he hugged me.

The guys surround me as the girls were looking at her ring. These few seconds were crazy as it calm down.

"So what now?" Adam asked.

"I'm still working with my darkest days and Samantha is recording with Queens of Chaos, we have plenty of time to plan a wedding," I replied.

"About that who is the best man?" Neil asked trying to hint toward him.

"Like I said plenty of time to plan a wedding. I joked.

Samantha said yes that all I cared about and I didn't want to get married until My darkest days produce and released an album.

2008 and no one wanted to sign us a bad and yet my girl has entered her 4 years in college and already is making her album.

It's the Gontier blood because both Adam her brother and her cousin Cale are in bands and doing well.

I have seen women throw themselves at Adam and Cale. And Samantha I have seen men beg her to dated

The family was good-looking and talented as I was some stoner trying his best to make it big.

"Come, guys let go and let's enjoy themselves," Adam said.

Once they left we had our dessert and went home to relax.

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