Fans and Love

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Samantha's Pov

After fans find out we were it was hard to stay normal. We had fans bombing us all the time. And when people found out who Matt was they didn't enjoy it.

"Where's your man?" a guy asked.

"In the store," I answered.

"Doubt it." the guy laughed.

Of course, it's the guy who thinks he is my real love or soul mate whatever one they believed in.

"Nice to meet you I have to go," I said.

That was when they grabbed my arm and pulled me. This has never happened to me as I was scared.

"Let my girl go," Matt said.

The strange guy turned around with me still in his grip. He looked at Matt and smiled at him.

"This is the guy really wow I'm so much better looking and have money." the guy bragged.

"Congratulations, now let my girl go or I will beat the living shit out of you," Matt said

The guy just laughed as he tried to get me close to him. I tried my best to get loose as I was scared.

I still haven't told fans about my being raped by a stalker. I didn't want them to think I was helpless.

"Come on she with you." the guy laughed.

"Let her go," Matt replied.

I don't remember seeing Matt fight the guy who raped me but I do remember how Adam told me then Matt was in jail for the night because he broke the guy's arm.

"He warned you enough times," I said.

"He's the brother of a bass player what's he going do." the guy laughed.

Then when Matt got closer to him and snatched me away from the crazy fan. I knew I had to stop Matt but before I could do it.

"I broke a man's arm because he stalked my girl," Matt said.

The guy looking at Matt as if he wasn't backing down. So I had to get help as fast as I looked for Dougie and Sal.

"Shit, Sam what's wrong?" Sal asked.

"A guy tried to hurt me and now Matt's about to hurt him," I said.

Dougie and Sal followed me as they got to Matt. They had to get between the two of them.

"Matt, it's not worth it," Sal said.

"I don't care, he hurt her and I can't let it go unpunished," Matt replied.

"Matt, buddy it's been years since that night just let it go this guy is just an asshole," Sal said.

Matt's eyes lit up as I could see he was upset and still hurt from it.

Matt's Pov

It doesn't mean a thing my child would still be alive and growing up.

" you weren't there that night you weren't there when they told you that your child will never be born!" I screamed.

Sal and Dougie face confusion as they realize that Samantha miscarriage. Not only raped but lost a baby that would never be born.

"Sir, come with us?" the cops asked.

When the guy walked away with them, I cried. It's been on my mind for a while as I left the store.

"Dude, we didn't know all we heard was she was raped, we didn't know you two were having a baby," Dougie said.

"I didn't either how do you think I felt when they told me." I cried.

A grown man crying over something that I never thought would happen to me samantha.

"Matt just take Samantha back to the house and me and dougie get everyone together to talk it out," Sal said.

"Talk about what?!" I yelled.

"Just talk we need to know what's going on with you," Dougie said.

"Nothing wrong!" I replied.

"Matt, please let's go home," Samantha begged.

I looked at my friends and then at her as I walked away with samantha. I had been dying inside since that night.

"Matthew, what's wrong?" she asked.

"When we're you going to tell me about the baby?" I asked.

"That night but I didn't know about the stalker," she said.

"Still, why me?" I asked.

"What?" she replied.

"Why are you still with me?" I replied.

"Because you loved me," she said.

"I make things worse," I said.

When we got into the driveway I started to cussing. When we started dating everything was great but slowly got worse.

I still hadn't gotten signed as a band Samantha was raped and lost our child. But samantha side she finished college and got to be a rock star.

So maybe it was me maybe I'm the one who brings bad luck to our relationship.

"Matt, here," Samantha said.

She went through her backpack and I noticed a big envelope. What was going on as I watched her?

"Brad just got off tour with Nickelback and Chad likes My darkest days he wants to sign the band," Samantha said.

"What," I replied.

"Brad dropped off a contract for you and the guys to read and sign," she said.

"Is that why we are about to all meetup?" I asked.

"Yeah, I called the guys and told them to meet at the diner but then we met the crazy fan at the shop, and now the surprise is ruined." Samantha frowned.

I could see her face hurt.

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