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Samantha's pov

Shit, I forgot it's my interview today I overslept because I and matt were out drinking because my first album was released and the first single was being played.

"Matthew, we overslept," I said.

"Oh damn we did," he replied.

As we rushed to get out of our bed I didn't even wash just got into clean clothes as did Matt. He drove me to the radio station as the others were waiting for me.

"God damn Samantha what did Matt do to you?" Candace asked.

"Nothing we just smoked some weed and drank beers," I answered.

"And?" Alexis said.

"Sex." I laughed.

"You two fucked like animals," Brittney said.

"What's the problem?" I asked.

"Keep it up and Matt's going to need a good-paying job for the baby." Brittney joked.

"You have 2 kids by brad," I said.

"and they loved the idea their mom is going to be famous." Brittney laughed.

This was me and my friend enjoying each other company.  As we had announced who we kin to just our first names on the album.

"So are you ready?" Alexis asked.

"I am," I replied.

As we walked in I watched Matt drive off and wonder if would he get his job as well. I was lucky as he was struggling for a while with my darkest days.

When we walked into the radio station I started to get scared. I even covered my wrists as I didn't want them to know.

My wrists were covered in the music video as I wanted people to know by radio. I shook as I wanted to cry this wasn't me.

"Ladies." the DJ called out.

"Hello," we replied.

He showed us to the room as a female DJ was there waiting.

"Queens of Chaos, I'm a big fan." She said.

"Christy?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm flattered you remember." she smiled.

"I listen to the station a lot." I smiled back.

As we were seated Christy sat beside me as we talked and giggled. She was nice and enjoyed talking to her.

"Ok, Fans I have some good news today we found out the lovely ladies of Queen of Chao's names." The DJ said.

"I'm so ready I have ideas since we are all Canadian," Christy said.

"Let's start with the guitarist first," Dj said.

" Candace Jones the guitarist and yes I have a boyfriend his name is Sal Coz Costa." she smiled.

"Your boyfriend sounds hot," Christy said.

"He is." Candace laughed.

"Ok drummer," DJ said.

"Alexis Wilson the drummer and I'm in a relationship with Cale Gontier and if the name is familiar is the bass player in Art of Dying," she explained.

"Cale no way he is cute," Christy said.

"Wow next bass payer," DJ asked.

"Brittney Walst bass player of Queens of Chaos and no I'm not Brad walst sister I'm his wife." Brittney boasted.

"Ok now that an unbelievable Brittney is married to Brad Walst," Christy said.

"Well, you're lucky," DJ said.

"Ok, now I need to know your name?" Christy said.

"I'm Samantha Nikki Gontier and I'm Adam Gontier's baby sister and I'm engaged to Matt Walst," I announced.

I knew the radio fans were trying to get all the information. As the two DJs looked shocked as they wanted to know.

"You're the sister of Adam Gontier now way you two don't even look the same but yet your voices sound good and you said you're engaged to a man named Matt Walst is he kin to Brad Walst?' Christy asked.

"Matt is Brad's younger brother," I explained.

"Yo, Brad Walst has a brother," Dj said.

"Yeah, here is a picture of me and Matt," I replied.

I showed them a picture as they looked their faces couldn't believe it.

"Gentlemen you have no luck on dating Samantha now, the picture she just showed us of her boyfriend is hot," Christy said.

"So was it love all the way or did you two bully each other before love across the road?" DJ asked.

"We would prank each other and when I was 18 Matt told me that he liked me," I explained.

"He made the move what did Adam do?"Dj asked.

"Adam was fine with it," I said.

"I have a lot to take in with you lovely ladies," Dj said.

"You girls are so lucky and have handsome men," Christy said.

"I'm more lucky I tried to end my life and Matt didn't want to give up on me even if I rejected him the first time," I said.

As I rolled up my sleeve and showed my wrists and then breath.

"I was bullied growing up and after so long when I was 18 I took painkillers and sliced my wrists I called Matt to say sorry and after then I woke up im the hospital." I cried.

"Matt came to see you and he found you didn't he?" Christy asked.

"He did." I cried.

Christy hugged me as she said thank you for sharing your story.

Dj hugged me as well as he explained to the listener that I was dealing with things no one should go through alone.

I knew Matt was listening as fans got to call amd say thank you to us. The last caller was Matt as I knew he was about to make me smile.

"Samantha Gontier is the sweetest person I have ever met and the most helpful, she doesn't deserve the pain I will do anything to make her smile," Matt said.

My face lit up as I knew Matt was my true love.

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