Bad Boy/Good Girl

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Samantha's Pov

I woke up in the hospital again but this time a random man had stalked me and I was raped.

"Matthew, where is Matthew?" I asked.

My body was in pain and hurt as my brother Adam was there with the police. Fuck did they find the guy who raped me.

A nurse was beside me as she was looking at my vitals.

"I'm guessing Matthew is your boyfriend?" she asked.

"Blonde hair, blue eyes," I replied.

"He spent the night in jail when you told him what your rapist looked like he found him at this hospital and beat him until he was bleeding." the nurse explained.

"My boyfriend is in jail because he wanted to protect me." I sighed.

Adam walked in he looked pissed off.

"The guy will go to prison but we need use to make sure it's him who raped you," Adam said.

"So I need to be there," I said.

"When were you going to tell Matt?" adam asked.

"Last night I decided to stay home and have dinner for him but the guy showed up " I replied.

Matt has been careful not to get me pregnant because of college and his music career. Yet there is a very small mistake where it still happens.

"Where is she." a man said.

I was worried thinking about matt was mad at me but it was my dad and Katie. Fuck why was he here?

"Did it get stolen?" he asked.

"It's my ring," Katie said.

My hand slipped under the cover he wasn't taking it back it was my ring, not that homewrecker.

"Leave," Adam replied.

Our dad only cares about material things and my ring had a heavy price set on it. Dad only cared about money and Katie only wanted money.

"Give me that ring or I will make you feel pain." dad snapped.

As he grabbed my hand and was about to take my ring.

"Let her ring go if I found out you sent another guy to hurt your daughter I will beat you until they bury you," Matt said.

"Mr.gontier you are under arrest for hiring someone to rape your daughter." the police said.

"I would never do such a thing my son can tell you," he replied.

"Well the man you hired decided to rat you out for less jail time so good luck in prison." the police said.

My dad did these so he does hate me and wants me dead. I couldn't believe it as I was crying. Matt thought I could tell he had a lot on his plate.

"Samantha, I'm going and let you and Matt talk it out," Adam said.

When Adam left I wanted to cry and apologize for not saying I was pregnant sooner.

"I know I should have stayed home, our baby would still be here," Matt said.

Baby, so they did tell Matt that I was pregnant. He was holding my hand and crying.

Matt's Pov

My head hurt as I woke up in a jail cell as remembered beating up my girlfriend's rapist. I have to because he made her lose my baby.

A police officer showed up as I waited for him to speak.

"Good news the man has confessed he was stalking your girlfriend but if knew she was pregnant he would stop following her." the police said.

"Ok is there bad news?" I asked.

"Has your girlfriend's dad been angry or mad with you or her?" he asked.

"Yeah, I took a ring that belonged to her grandma and gave it to Samantha because I remembered her saying that the ring was Samantha when she died," I explained.

"Wow so her dad hired someone who had stalked his daughter just to hurt her." the police said.

Her dad was the one who destroyed my child. I wanted to hurt him.

"Your good to go." the police said.

When I left I explained to the police her dad should be at the hospital and maybe a few police around to arrest him.

So when I left a few police followed me and when I got to the hospital I was right. Mr.Goniter was there and walked into the hospital.

When I asked where Samantha's room the police called to let the others need he was close by. I saw him trying to take his ring and I stop him.

Then when the police were arresting Mr.Gontier and Adam leaving I feel so worried. I told samantha how I felt as I sat down beside her.

"You're not mad?" she asked.

"About you being pregnant, no but I'm mad with myself," I replied.

She still glowed on her skin and yet the life we created wasn't there anymore.

"Maybe this is a sign for me." She said.

"sign?" I asked.

"That kids are not in our future." She sighed.

Kids, maybe she was right as I just screwed up everything to be with her. But something was keeping us together.

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