Wedding Day

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Samantha's Pov

The day is here I'm getting married to Matthew Jean Paul Walst. The guy I was least expected to marry.

"Girl, how do you feel?" brittney asked.

"Scared, sick to my stomach, and my feet feel cold," I answered.

"Same with me when I was marrying brad but thinking about it after it will be just a matter of time for kids." Brittney joked.

"Do you have two sons?" I asked.

Brittney looked at me with a smile and whispered don't worry I'm brad tonight but I'm pregnant again.

My mind could only think that Brad might have to take up drinking to relax him. Candace and Alexis are beside me as they were looking at venues.

Alexis was next to marry as my Cousin Cale popped the question on their anniversary for god knows how long they had been dating.

"I want to throw up," I said.

I was shaking and scared I know it's just a wedding but you don't understand. The grown woman in me was happy but the teen in me was thinking Matt's lying and he will not show up.

"Stop fighting yourself Matt has never left you not even when you dying." Candace snapped.

"Your right." I sighed.

"I and Sal can see the love there every time you and Matt watch movies or tv shows, the way Matt holds you when you two fall asleep the way he protects you," she said.

She was right but what if it gets worst what if I get worst and try and kill myself again? Or if Matt wants kids and I can't have them.

The door slowly opened as my mind was wondering. I didn't see who walked in until I heard his voice.

"Samantha Nikki Gontier everything will be ok," Adam said to me.

My friends left the room so we could talk about anything or everything.

"Adam, help me?" I asked.

The first time in years since I asked my brother for help as I mostly kept it to myself. He hugged me as I just cried for a while.

"I wrote the song to help fans but I had you in mind," Adam confessed.

"Song?" I asked.

"Never too late," he replied.

Is that why it's a comfort song to me Adam was singing to help me. As I cried more and was just upset with myself.

"I'm so sorry," I said.

"For what all of us should be sorry, we didn't see the signs and if we did we blew them off, if it wasn't for Matt helping I would have done the same because I couldn't have saved you." Adam cried.

The door knocked as our grandfather walked in with a smile.

"I see you two made up and now let's go I got my only granddaughter to marry." He smiled.

As groomsmen and bridesmaids grouped up, it was the best man and maid of honor walking down the aisle.

As the flower girl and ring bearer were next I cried waiting to be next.

Matt's Pov

I never felt this scared in my life as I watched everyone walk down towards me. I could barely sleep and I felt sick.

"Dude, don't worry she not running away," Brad said.

When the flower girl and ring bearer were done the wedding March come on and everyone turned their heads.

"Here she comes." Brad taunted.

Her grandfather Malcolm was walking with her and everyone was stunned.  Perfect was in my thoughts.

Most women wanted white wedding dresses but Samantha being herself wanted a black wedding dress and was perfect.

She had a veil on as well so she keep it a little classic with the face being covered. When she got to me her grandfather handed her to me.

As he sat down we started the ceremony with goes and other things. But when it was time to kiss the bride.

I was sweating but I kept it cool as everyone was taking photos or videos of the kiss. Once it was finalized it was time for the first dance and best man speech.

And yes Brad was the best man and he made sure he spoke about how I and samantha had been together since we were kids and I didn't blame him.

When everything was said and done we got food and to cut the cake. Both families got together and had fun.

"Is it time to leave my feet are killing me," Samantha said.

"Not yeah," I replied.

We were both ready to go as we wanted to rest, we already were having a honeymoon. Once we got through the last photos we left and hired people to clean up.

"How's the cake?" I asked.

"Good," she said.

They said we had to keep the top layer and eat it a year later. Some kind of wedding tradition.

Knowing us, we would probably get high and eat it after this long day. But it ended on a good note I married the love of my life.

Both of us are lead singers in rock bands and everyone including fans and rock stars knew me and samantha would never break up.

Corey even told us at the wedding that he could see this marriage last until we both died. It makes me happy if someone we barely know can see us like that.

"Babe?" Samantha asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Thank you for coming over that night," she said as she kissed my cheek.

That was when my heart skipped a beat it was the first time she said thank you for me coming over and saving her.

"You're welcome." I smiled.

As I turned my head to check on her as she fall asleep in the car. So when we got to our home the place we bought together I laid her down in our bed.

As I put the came up and then help take off her dress and just put a long shirt on her and me into pj pants.

So this is how it ends us finally together and married, I wonder what's next.

If you liked the story please comment or message. I'm thinking about a second story called Fallen Angel as it deals with Adam leaving Three days grace and Matt as the new singer. As samantha deals with some mental health issues and maybe a baby in the mix.

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