Malcolm Gontier

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Matt's Pov

"Good thing you took that ring my wife asked for Samantha to have it," Malcolm said.

"How do you feel since I took that ring from Katie?" I asked.

"Good and I'm glad you did that I believe you and samantha are meant to be a couple," he said

Malcolm Gontier is the grandfather of Adam and Samantha Gontier. He was a very wise man whom he passed it on to his sons.

Until Adam's dad was born the man was spoiled as a child and when he became a father to adam he changed.

Until Samantha was born he never wanted a daughter. The gontier family had all boys born into the family since Malcolm became a father until Samantha was born.

She was the last member born and a girl which meant the guys were protected from her.

"Her grandmother would always take care of Samantha," he said.

"I'm guessing that ring is very important to your wife," I replied.

"I got it made and somehow samantha was the only one who care to help her grandmother even if she was a child," he said.

"Samantha was important to your wife to where she knew samantha would keep the ring," I replied.

Samantha was always been the special child in the Gontier family.  She wanted to learn to grow to be something in this world.

"She is just like her grandmother different and no one understands her," Malcolm said.

"What made you fall in love with your wife?" I asked.

"She was kind she didn't care about money, she helped even if it drained her energy " he explained.

"Sounds like Samantha." I sighed.

"My wife raised samantha while her and adam's parent's fault for which child to keep," he said.

"Neither one wanted Samantha?" I asked.

"No, they were busy helping Adam with his music career," he answered.

"Why did her mother keep her?" I asked.

"Because Adam asked he knew their dad would abandon samantha." Malcolm sighed.

A car pulled up as he looked out the window of his home.

"You don't understand she is my wife's twin and I promised Dorothy that I would make sure Samantha felt loved," he said.

"So two months and still she faults me," I said.

"It's because she sees you actually love her, I hate to say it but Dorothy had the same mental disorder as samantha," he explained.

"But I thought your wife died from cancer," I said.

"Dorothy died from an overdose of her medications and now her grandchild Adam and Samantha are suffering from the pain," he replied.

That when the front door opened I hear Grandpa, I got your medications and your snack. Samantha walked in with her backpack and her tired self.

Samantha's Pov

I looked to see my grandpa with Matt, he liked looking out the window maybe because he was waiting for my grandma to come back.

"Hey guys," I said.

Matt smiled as he grabbed my backpack and put it down. Then just hugged me like he hasn't seen me in days.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, I can't give you a hugged without warning." Matt smiled.

"Yeah," I said.

As I looked around my grandma pictured everywhere as her perfume was in the air. The air smelt of roses her favorite smell.

"Good news grandpa, Adam is coming by with Naomi to see you," I said.

"I never liked Naomi," he replied.

"she married to adam why?" I asked.

"He got married too fast and liked the girl with the J at the beginning of her name," he said.

"I remembered her but it didn't work out so it happen in a relationship," I replied.

Matt was fixing grandpa's medication in his pill box as I looked around. It was the weekend and me and matt would eat with my grandpa.

"Hey look," Matr called out.

He had a photo album in his hand as I sat down and looked. Pictures of her and grandpa as a young couple along with my uncles and dad.

Then they are older as it shows my cousins and then Adam and the last photo with me as a baby. After that, it was pictures of me and my grandma.

"She never had a daughter and she loved you like you were her daughter even if you weren't that's why there are a lot of pictures of you and her," Grandpa said.

"Is that why my dad hates me?" I asked.

"He hates you because you look just like her," he answered.

"Oh," I said.

"Anyway what are we cooking?" Matt asked.

"Not tonight we are going to your grandmother's favorite Italian restaurant." grandpa said.

It was her favorite restaurant because her side of the family ran it and they would give me discounts becasue I was Dorthey junior.

"Italian is good and your grandmother's family has the best wine." matt smiled.

I rolled my eyes as I put up the photo album as heard my grandpa struggling. I check up on him ro see what was going on.

"Here, it's your grandmother," he said.

The gift was in a bag for clothes as I opened it up it was a dress a black dress.

"I got it fixed to fit you the dress is old but I thought of you and not Katie or namoi to wear it," he said.

"It's the dress from years ago when you two were first married." I cried.

"Well black is your and her favorite color." he smiled.

My grandma was different from me, she enjoyed helping people she loved reading horror books like horror movies.

She didn't become crazy over the hottest guy in town because she stood on her own two feet until she met my grandpa.

That was when I realized was I walking the same path as my grandma because grandpa knew her from childhood to where when she was hurt he saved her life.

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