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about a two month time skip?? idk buddy, work with me here

Today was the first day of school at South Park. And I was terrified. Although, Kyle said he'd pick me up for school every day. We just got out of his car and we're now standing in the parking lot, hand-in-hand, waiting for Kenny and Stan. I had my favorite blue sweater on and I felt incredibly pretty today, especially because Kyle practically covered me in kisses and made sure I knew how gorgeous I looked.

Finally, we saw the buses come and Ken and Stan pile out of it. As Kyle and I ran up towards them, I could hear a lot of people whispering.

". . . Is that her? . . . "

". . . Why would she show her face here? . . ."

". . . How embarrassing . . ."

I was kind of confused but didn't think much of it. I wonder who they're talking about.

"Hey guys!" Stan yelled out, waving his hand in the air. We caught up to them and drifted into a line and began walking to the school in the order of Kyle, me, Kenny, and then Stan. Kyle was still holding my hand as we entered through the door.

"I have to grab my schedule, I'll be right back,"

I walked into the high school office and there was a desk with papers. Schedules, specifically. I searched for my last name and snatched it when I finally found which one was mine. English first? Okay, I can do that, I guess.

The guys were gone when I came out of the office so I decided I'd just find the classroom myself. But someone interrupted me. A girl with curly blonde hair ran up to me with her phone in hand. Her face was bright and a picture was on her phone screen.

"Is this you?" She demanded of me. I squinted my eyes to look at the picture. My face filled with horror as I recognized the scene. It was Kyle and I walking out of the shed at Wendy's party. I looked like an absolute mess and the hickies on my neck were extremely prominent. Then I remembered the flash I saw when we walked out. Somebody must've taken a fucking picture of us.

"Where'd you get that?" I demanded back, "Who sent that to you?" The girl didn't respond back to me. Instead she yelled out something that made everybody turn to me.

"It is her! It's the party girl!"

Some people began to laugh. I wanted to shrink in my skin as multiple people snapped their heads towards me with degrading gazes. I turned around--I really wasn't sure what else to do--and began walking away. I focused on searching for my classroom.

Once I finally found the classroom, I sat down in my designated seat. The teacher had the seating chart taped to the chalkboard, which seemed pretty old-school to me. Though, as I was reading the seating chart, I saw that Kenny was sitting next to me. Even through all of the chaos that was occuring this morning, that made me smile.

I sat down and waited for class to begin. But before that could happen, Kenny sat down beside me.

"What's up, hot stuff?"

"Hi, Ken," I said softly, letting a little bit more of my emotions out than I wanted. Kenny obviously noticed I was upset.

"(Y/n), is this about that photo? I promise you, there's nothing to be ashamed of. You were expressing your love and somehow happened to get caught. Everybody there was doing embarrassing things. And this will all eventually pass from people's minds soon,"

I looked at him with tears I didn't realize were forming in my eyes. Kenny's face didn't change but he leaned in and wrapped him arms around me. Quickly, I wrapped my arms around his waist, taking in the warmth of his orange parka. I could feel his breath on my neck and everything seemed to fade.


Until the bell rang, that is. We both sat down into our seats and faced the front of the class.

"Good morning class, today we're . . . "


I've already gone through my first five periods of the day and now it was lunch time. I haven't had any classes with Kyle but so far I've had all but one class with Kenny. It was lunch time already and Kenny walked down there with me. As soon as we walked in, I could see Kyle waving at us to come over. We walked over to the table he was sitting at with Stan and Cartman.

"How is school for everyone so far?" Stan questioned, looking from Kenny to me.

I sat down next to Kyle and let out a deep sigh, "It's been alright. South Park isn't like what I expected it to be,"

Kyle shot me a sympathetic glance and squeezed my hand. "It's alright, babe," he said, sliding a PB&J in front of me, "Everything will be okay soon,"

I picked up the sandwich with my free hand and smiled at him. Maybe it will be okay, I thought to myself, taking a massive bite of the sandwich that brought me back to the memory of the first time we met.

The first time we met? Right, our first kiss. Wait, wait, you didn't know about that? Let me fill you in:

"Shit I'm so fucking sorry!" The redheaded boy practically had tears in his eyes as he tried to clean my stained shirt. To be honest, I couldn't really see all too well. There was an insane amount of jelly in my eyeballs.

"This is one hell of a field trip," I giggled out as he continued to try and wipe the peanut butter out of my hair.

"Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" He asked. His voice was squeaky.

"My eyes burn a little," I shrugged, "But I'm alright,"

He didn't say anything for a minute, but in that moment of silence I could feel a soft pair of lips pressed against mine.

". . ."

". . ."

"Kyle, did you just fucking kiss her?" I could hear the voice of one of his friends.

"What the hell was that for?" I asked, pushing him away from me.

"Well, uh, um . . . you see, my mom always gives me kisses when I hurt. I just wanted to make you feel better!" Kyle responded. His tears seemed more prominent now.

"It's okay, dork," I rubbed the tears from his eyes, "Just don't do it again,"


"(Y/n)? Hello? Earth to (Y/n)?"

I looked up to seeing Kyle waving his hand in front of me.


"Sorry babe, you seemed zoned out. Lunch ended, it's time to head to our next period,"

"Oh, right. Yeah, okay, let's go,"

You're Useless [Kenny McCormick x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now