Just as the clock on the wall ticked 7 o'clock, a nurse rushed in to wake Kenny up for the hundredth time tonight to check his vitals. The entire night was restless because we couldn't go anymore than two hours without being disrupted, and they required Kenny to be awake while they gathered data. Now I sat in a chair beside Kenny's bed with our hands intertwined, exhausted. Although, not any more exhausted than Ken was.
"Alright, Mr. McCormick, we're going to start your chemo today as scheduled. Is that alright?"
His voice was small and raspy, "That's fine, yes. Thank you,"
"You're starting treatment already?" I lifted his hand to my lips so that they were barely brushing his soft skin. He nodded and gave me a few soft, but weak, squeezes.
I could feel my stomach knot up and twist. "Kenny, I have to shower. I have work soon," I leaned in to give him a kiss and grabbed for the bag my dad brought me last night. After he'd dropped me off, he packed me clothes and a tooth brush then brought my car, that I was surprised wasn't sent ablaze, from my old apartment so I could head off to work.
I entered the bathroom and undressed myself quickly. I turned the shower knobs and adjusted them a few times to get the perfect temperature, and then I stepped in. I stood there momentarily as the warm water beat against my body. My lip began trembling and my knees grew weak. Soon, I collapsed to the shower floor and held my face in my hands. I cried tears of pure agony. Why? Why must he be punished with such cruelty? Did I wait too long to accept his love?
It hurts to think about, but I almost wish that I had dated Kenny first. Before Clyde. And before Kyle. I definitely could've, I had feelings for Kenny back then. But then there was Tammy.
I love Tammy, she's my best friend, but I get so angry and upset knowing that she took my chance of having Kenny after the accident. But I really couldn't be that upset, I chose Kyle over Kenny. It was my own fault. I knew that well enough.
There's no point in dwelling on that now. I just have to hope that Kenny will be alright and spend as much time with him as I can.
I stood back up, wiped my tears, and began lathering my hair in shampoo. I showered quickly because I already wasted a lot of time crying.
I hopped out, dried myself with my towel and wrapped my hair up to dry while I'd gotten dressed. I put my uniform on and towel dried my hair, "Fuck, I won't have enough time to do my makeup,"
Once my hair was dry enough, I raced out to give Kenny another kiss goodbye and out through the hallways of the hospital. I bursted out of the front doors and thankfully my dad managed to park me out in the front and I was able to make it to my car in time. I opened the door, pushed my key in, and was on my way. I reached for my phone to look at the time as I exited the parking lot: 7:54 a.m.
"Fuck, I'm going to be late,"
I couldn't afford to be late again. Clyde's drunken habits have caused me to be late a few times too many.
When I was finally on the highway, I pressed slightly on the gas pedal. "Please please please don't turn red," I begged to the yellow light that was upcoming. I leaned forward and began to speed up a little bit more, hoping that maybe I'd just make it. Just as I was about to cross underneath it, a loud screech occurred followed by glass shattering and metal scraping metal. My face bashed into the steering wheel and I was smashed against the car door. The familiar feeling of my bones crushing was back and seemingly more agonizing. Glass was shot into my face and skin. I tried to scream but all that came out were gaping gasps.
I reached up to my neck with both of my hands. There was a large gash slit across my throat. I gasped with panic as my vision became blurry and I found myself unable to see anymore. Blood gushed out from my neck and seeped through my clothes.

You're Useless [Kenny McCormick x Reader]
Romance"Are you sure you want to come down? The ladder is really unsturdy," the boy questioned, not wanting you to hurt yourself at his expense. You simply scoffed, it's difficult to say no to seeing such a gorgeous man. "Shut it McCormick, I'm coming down...