Pathetic Sinner. (1/2)

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" Hey dudes! Welcome to our Podcast. This is Sal speaking, And this is the first part of our Podcast-uhh-thing! " Sal would cheerfully talk into the microphone, You could almost hear Sal cheer Travis on As the Mic slid across the Table.

" and erm- Im Travis. " Travis cowardly spoke into the mic, Sal nodding to signal him to talk some more.

Travis would clear his throat, glancing at Sal's hand on his shoulder, Leaning against him. Travis would sort of think about what would the topic be.

" Today, we're going to talk about-- ..- " Travis looked towards Sal, passing over the mic to him. Sal gave it back to Travis, Sal's blue hair intertwining with his blonde hair as Sal put his head on his shoulder. just letting Travis ramble on once he made up his mind. It was about the usual Christian stuff. Throwing in barely audible Homophobic comments.

Sal would get pretty bored, shoving Travis a bit, interrupting his long, passionate ramble about Christianity. Travis would stare at Sal, holding back the usual bitter sayings he'd say to him at school. Sal would move the microphone a bit towards himself, An arm around Travis.

" That's enough of that. it's time to talk about Travis himself, and what happened last week. We had the rest of the day to ourselves, so we just rambled on about our interests and that sparked this Podcast. though Travis hated the idea. " Travis knew this was a Lie. They didn't talk at all! but Sal would continue talking, Travis staring at him and his.. dreamy blue eyes hidden in those dark holes of his prosthetic, and the shine of the light in his blue hair.

Travis just listened to Sal talk, with the most careful and gentle sound in his voice. Travis thought of that sweet voice whispering sweet nothings in his--

what was Travis THINKING?

this guy just interrupted his amazing speech about how being a stupid homo was a sin, how could he contradict himself like that? Travis shook his head and took Sal's arm off him, though immediately missing his warm touch compared to his cold, bruised skin.

Travis continued staring at Sal, his lovely blue eyes filled with passion whilst talking about whatever happened last week.

" wooow... little gay boy Travis is falling for his friend. if you could call Sally that. " one of the voices in Travis' head snickered, snapping him out of his little trance. " you barely know him. he's not your friend. and certainly not your boyfriend. " Another stupid voice teased, Travis aggressively Shaking his head. Sal was still brushing his hand on Travis', which sort of made him nervous.

Travis sat there, silent. hearing his phone buzz in his pocket, sliding it out, and checking. it was a notification from his father.

Kenneth Phelps: " Get home now, you have been out later than 5:30, Travis. "

Oh, fuck him.

Travis stood up, Causing Sal to look up at him and pause on the massive talk about last week, Oh how Travis wanted to stay here forever and ever. embracing Sal's touch once more, running his hands through his electric blue hair. But he feared what would happen if he stayed a minute longer.

" Travis, going home already? " Sal politely asked, handing over the mic to muffle the conversation. " y- yes I am, Fisher. My Dad is waiting for me to get home. " Travis would hold up his still formal demeanor in an effort to hide away his previously distracted and silent act while Sal was talking. Sal would put a hand on Travis' shoulder, Travis slightly flinched as Sal took his phone that was still in his hand.

" Do you mind if I give you my Number? so you could text me when you get home. " Sal would look at him, then look at the dim Screen. thumb hovering over the buttons. " Y- your number? why- why would I even text you? " Travis would stutter, brushing Sal's hand off his Shoulder. " so I know you're safe, " Sal gently reminded him. " So... should I give you my number? " Sal finished his sentence, Still Awaiting Travis' Answer. Meanwhile, Travis's Head was FILLED with voices screaming in joy, some screaming in his ears about what his father would say.

However, Travis would Nod, Sal's beautiful, blue eyes curled, and with the shift of his mask, Travis knew Sal was smiling, Gleefully putting his own number into Travis's phone.

Sal soon accompanied Travis outside in the pouring rain, Sal looking at the rain pouring in the night. " Honestly, I don't think the Rain will calm down at this point. you can have my umbrella. bring it back on Monday, y'know, tomorrow. " Sal passed his umbrella to Travis, walking with him until about halfway down the path to Addison Apartments, Waving to Travis before running off into the building.

Sal would watch Travis walk down the sidewalk, far enough Sal couldn't see him by just looking out the Doorway, Sal basically Skipped down the hall like a little kid that was given a Lollipop. Happily Laying in bed, SPEEDING to text Travis, asking if he can get to do the podcast again, he felt his phone vibrate in his hand. a notification from Larry.

Larry Dude: " Yo dude, what happened over there, I was just painting and I was hearing someone ramble on about god. "

Sal would put away his phone and enter his (Step-)Brother's room, Watching Larry paint as he stares at his phone screen. " were we too loud for you to not hear yourself swipe paint on a canvas? " Sal would jokingly throw shade at Larry, which was quickly leaving the paintbrush on the floor to getting up to do the PAINFULLY Long handshake he made up with Sal.

Sal soon enough remembered he hasn't texted Travis, running off back to his room and then ended the podcast, jumping onto his bed, curling up around his cat to not bother Gizmo and typing on his phone.

??: " Yo Travis! sally here. did you get home safe? "

Travis: " Yes, I got home safe. How are you? "

[ Travis changed your name to Sally Face. ]

Sally Face: " I'm doin great. wish you Could've stayed longer though, Goodnight!! "

Travis hid his phone under his pillow, Hiding away even the THOUGHT of Sally Face, pretending he wasn't involved with the podcast at all. Maybe his Father would complain about even being with Sal.

Travis Drifted off to sleep, Well. Tried. His Father coming in from downstairs snapped Travis awake, Travis stood up as he heard his Father stomping upstairs, the floorboards creaking as His father Burst open his bedroom door.

Travis jolted as His Father didn't even care to knock, it's not like his father usually did anyways.

Travis would FEAR His father, Yelling at him about being 1 hour late, Yelling about how he was 'Worried sick'.


Travis shielded himself as his father yelled, Avoiding getting harmed on his face, But his arms would be fine. he'll wear a sweater on Monday. Travis just hoped Sal wouldnt notice.

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