Tuesdayayyaayy (3)

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Well, yesterday was embarrassing. Travis Wished he didn't accidentally confess the note was his, While Sal wondered who Travis liked, 'cause he'd surely help, like a wingman of sorts.

Sal was beside Travis in Algebra again, asking who the HELL he liked.

" What do you think they want? are you going to give them flowers? Chocolates, maybe? Well, I think you should give them flowers but that's biased cause I like flowers- " Sal was rambling on very quickly, Travis couldn't properly understand after that, but Travis got some information he'd need.

" erm, you could say they do like Flowers. " Travis replied to Sal's Questions, Confirming the only one with actual proof. Sorta pathetic on his part honestly.

" Oh! Then you could give them Dandelions.. roses, maybe? heh- " Sal quickly responded, Pondering flowers Travis could give to his 'crush'.

" Maybe- " Sal started again, getting cut off by Travis." Sal, you have classes without me. " Travis slightly nudged Sal as he waved, walking to his respective classroom.

" Oh, right. " Sal remembered, pondering to himself as he confidently started walking to his class. " Hey, what made you like the dude so much? " Larry snapped in, distracting Sal from Pondering. " Did you forget your brother was following you two? " Larry added to his sentence.

" I- sorry, dude. Totally Forgot. What was my next class? " Sal scrambled to recollect what fuckery he was going to do, Looking to Larry for Help.

" Well, First of all, You got English with me. Second, you haven't answered my question. But you can answer that on the way. " Larry very quickly replied, Helping Sal remember which class he was meant to go to.

They walked through the crowded halls, it wasn't too busy considering that some people were already in their classes, And Larry was rushing Sal to the classroom. " Also, about Travis.. erm... I just don't think he's a bad person. Yknow? He's nice to me and he's also uh- cool. " Sal Replied to Larry's question earlier, prompting Larry to respond as well, but he didn't talk until they got there.

" .. 'He's cool'? Pfft- Choir boy Travis is cool? Man, He's an insult to cool. " Larry sat down, Sal Standing beside Larry soon before the class started.

" Dude, Trav Was like, bullying you a week before this entire situation. Are you sure, you don't think he's a bad person? " Larry questioned Sal, It was weird for him to... Think Travis was 'Cool' or 'Nice'.

Shit, he's far from either of those things. He wasn't Nice, dude called us faggots and homos for standing there. The dude wasn't 'Cool'. He had probably the most ordinary outfit for the usual Christian Kid.

Larry was so Confused by his brother's actions, What does he even see in Travis?

Soon enough, It was lunch. Sal went on to pester Travis again about the little love letter he wrote last bologna day. Until he noticed that Travis didn't get anything. Just a drink.

" ... Hey, can you afford lunch today? I'll share. " Sal cheerfully offered to give Travis some of his lunch, But Travis nodded no and continued scribbling in his notebook. Rarely even drinking the bottled water he got. " Hey, talk at least? It's so weird not hearing you talk for once. " Sal's voice slightly cut through the silence between Him and Travis.

" .. Can't you just leave me alone and go sit with your homo friends or something? " Travis responded, Still Startling Sal somehow. " Oh, well then. At least eat something, Travis. Bye. " Sal got up to sit with the rest of his friends, Leaving Travis to write in his notebook.

" What's up with you and that guy? " Larry quickly put an arm around Sal as soon as he sat down, Still eating the weird slop they call mac and cheese for lunch. " Well, he has- He didn't get anything so I offered to share with him. " Sal almost shared the stupid secret he kept with Travis, Sorta freezing in place and chuckling awkwardly.

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