Travis. TRAVIS. (5)

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TW: there are some mentions of Child abuse and panic attacks

Travis stepped onto the patio, Smiling warmly as he thought of Sal chuckling.

they walked home together, Sal's mask was dirty from falling into the grass, and Travis' cheeks were sore but warm because he was blushing...

It was a perfect moment that felt like a weird fever dream, Sal wouldn't just happily follow him around, right?

Travis didn't mind that thought.

Then he remembered the glare his father gave him, something his father would do to non-verbally tell him to behave when guests were over, then Travis's warm cheeks went cold, remembering he hasn't changed from sneaking out, and he was afraid of getting more bruises today, they stung enough.

Travis panicked, his chest heaving due to the alarming amount of guilt.

That guilt seemed to drown Travis in thought, He could see himself from another point of view, his shaky, pathetic figure, Hiding his bruises and how skinny he was by wearing loose clothes.

Travis was paranoid, looking behind him as he hesitated to creak open the door, bracing himself for some sort of yelling or hitting in a few minutes when he finally shuts it. 

" Father, I'm back. " Travis shut the door behind him, locking the door and picking at the skin under his nails, waiting for Kenneth to walk in.

" Good, 'cause I have something to discuss with you, Travis. " His father sat at the dinner table, where he sat earlier with Sal.

Travis awkwardly sat where Sal once was, Across from Kenneth.

His father, though Travis was terrified of him, was terrified of what he could do, was still his only family member around.

Travis felt distant from Kenneth since he was rarely home because he had too many duties at the church, At times, he couldn't even eat dinner with him.

" Travis, I'd like to ask you about what this is. " His father tossed a crumpled-up piece of paper to Travis.

Travis would take the paper, uncrumple it, and then briefly read it.

Travis went pale, It was a Journal Entry, the one he wrote.

" Father, Where did you get this? My- My classmate wrote it for me. " Travis got up in his seat slamming the paper into the desk.

" Well, explain why it would be describing the kind man that was here earlier. " Travis' Father would stand up, grabbing Travis' face.

" And last time I remember, I didn't name you 'Sal', Travis. " Kenneth swiftly let go of Travis' Face, Slapping his son just as quickly.

" I- Father, I apologize for attempting to lie to you. " Travis got over the pain quickly, apologizing to Kenneth immediately.

" And you better apologize for being a rebellious fag! God will never accept you, Imagine you die and have to face God like- Like this?! " Kenneth complained, Grabbing Travis by the collar and shoving him a few feet away from himself.

" What will the church say?! You know the church is important to me, and then you go and disobey your ever-so-kind father! " Kenneth's knuckles were white, his face slightly red from anger.

Ever-so-kind? Bullshit.

" I said I apologize, Father! " Travis looked down, Tearing up slightly as his hands formed shaky fists.

" ... look at you. Pathetic. I haven't done anything harsh and you're crying already. " Kenneth grabbed Travis again, dragging him to his room. 

" How about you stay in your room until your filthy thoughts vanish or something, alright? " Kenneth pushed Travis into his room, shutting the door and locking it from the outside.

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