Sweat. (11)

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" Don't wander so far, Sally. "  Sal's mother would say, trying to catch Sal as he ran into the woods.

" Mama, I wanna pet the dog! "  Sal whines, looking back at his mother as she catches up to him.

" Yes, Yes. I know, sweetie. But it's dangerous in the woods. "  Diane wraps her arms around Sal loosely, a bullet shooting through her and destroying Sal's innocent face.

Sal yells for his mom, the shooter running away and Sal chasing after him— His heart pounding and

Sal wakes up, the pillow under him covered in sweat, his face aches as if that happened just now.

Sal gets up, running his fingers on the texture of his face, if he could call it that.

Sal silently ignores the mirror, grabs the clothes that sit on his dresser and quietly puts them on, including his prosthetic.

He ran off past his father's room, swinging his bag on as he left his apartment, going to the basement to meet up with Larry.

" Yo! School event!! " Sal yells at Larry through his door, either waking him up or asking him to hurry up.

" You're up early, Sal. " Lisa hums, walking out of her room, still in pyjamas and carrying out a few mugs.

" Uhh, yeah, Mom— " Sal casually covers his mouth, gritting his teeth and taking a step back.

" When does this school event start..?? " Lisa smiles, still humming her speech in a way.

" 6:30-ish..?? " Sal questioned, unsure of when it was going to start as Larry opened the door, fully dressed.

" Hi, Mom! Um, Me and Sal are going to go meet up with Todd. " Larry half-energetically speaks, putting an arm over Sal.

" Go ahead, You two. " Lisa nodded, walking into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.

" I'm sure he's already at school... " Larry groans, dragging Sal along to school.

Sal and Larry walk down the sidewalk, hitting the old bus sign at the bus stop as they run off.

" Wait up! " Larry exclaimed as he giggled, Sal running much faster than him. " Don't wander so far! "

Larry cuts the corner to school, Sal following him.

" DUDE THE EVENT STARTS IN TEN MINUTES!!?? " Sal yells, grabbing the school doors and opening them for Larry letting him in first before running behind him.

" So where are we supposed to go if we aren't going to cheer on those basketball motherfuckers?" Larry looked around the halls, kind of searching for any kids crowding a classroom.

" Lunchroom? Whole lotta space for most of the school body. " Sal assumed, walking to the cafeteria with Larry following.

There was a group of kids at the Cafeteria door, assorted styles, ranging from Goths to Basic Npcs.

Sal and Larry silently went into the cafeteria, it was almost the same thing, but mostly guys.

Literally, a nightmare that reeks of sweat and Gatorade.

Sal spotted Todd sitting at a table in the corner, waving to him from across the room.

" TODD!! " Larry exclaimed, running through the crowd with Sal to meet up with him.

" This room is a nightmare. Neil said he was going to the bathroom, so he's gonna come back in a second. " Todd closed the notebook in his hand, folding over the page as he set it down on the greasy table.

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