Tears. (12)

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Sal's mother was killed in front of them, as a child; They keep having these dreams as if it was a prophecy; The Man with the Dog Face seemed so clear and familiar, so did Sal's cries for their mother.

Sal wasn't sure what any of this meant, but it was terrifying- They'd wake up with tears drowning his pillow and a throbbing headache.

Sal got up, catching a breath after the utterly annoying dreams he had, always reminding him about his mom.

" Mom, I'm sorry, " Sal muttered, leaving it open-ended as he stood up, leaving his room while clipping his prosthetic back on. As long as it was on, He had a familiar face.

" Hey, do you want me to fix your mask for you, Sal? " Henry pointed out, one of the clips hanging because it wasn't tightened nor put on correctly.

" No, Dad. I don't want to talk to you right now, Sorry. " Sal grumbles, the tears running down his scars, making the prosthetic uncomfortable.

" Hey, kid. It's.. okay. I can hear it in your voice. What's wrong? " Henry asked, his arms loosely opening for one side of the hug.

Sal couldn't resist, plunging into his arms and SOBBING. Henry comforts him quietly as he hugs him back.

" It's those nightmares again, Dad. " Sal chokes between sobs, hugging him tightly.

" It's alright, Sal. I'm here, I'm here. " Henry hums, running his hands through Sal's hair. " We should move on. It's what she would've wanted. "

" But Dad, I don't want to.. forget her. " Sal sniffles as he looks up at Henry. " And - And with everything going on, I— I can't do this anymore, Dad. "

" Oh no, Sal. You can. Trust me. We both went through this. You even comforted me sometimes. " Henry chuckles, looking down at Sal, giving him a comforting smile.

It's just so unfair... Why is no one else grieving with me like this? " Sal softly shouts, his voice still wracked with a sense of sadness.

" Sal, I'm still grieving with you. Lisa and Larry have been helping us go through it, right? " Henry reassures Sal, comforting him and fixing his prosthetic.

" I just - It's unfair that she's never coming back. I- I miss her so much. " Sal slowly calms down, sighing and tightly hugging his dad, listening quietly to his heartbeat.

" I know, bud. I can't believe it, too. " Henry sighs sadly, messing with Sal's hair.

" Alright, kid. You got a school event to go to. " Henry smiles as he tries to cheer Sal up, Sal nodding and quietly taking his schoolbag to leave with Larry.

" See you later, Dad. I'm going home a little late tonight, I have a hangout! " Sal shouts as he shuts the door, Henry making himself breakfast.

Sal texts Larry quickly, running off to the elevator.

Sally Johnson: Me and Dad got too carried away while talking lol XPP

Lar Fisher: u sure u ok???????
Lar Fisher: ur walking 2 school gudluck

Sally Johnson: plz pick me up thx u 3X

Lar Fisher: fine

Larry's car parks just down the sidewalk because he had already started driving when Sal rushed to get in the passenger seat.

" WOAH, your hair is messed up, Sally. Want me to fix it for you or what?!? " Lary reaches over to comb his fingers through Sal's bangs, him laughing as he pulls Larry's hand away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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