Hoping This Bus Crashes! (8)

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Dedicated to Calix 🌙


Well, it was for Travis, Larry, Sal, and everyone in Nockfell High, two days of pure bliss to go back to noisy kids in a cramped bus for what, five days?

Really bad School/Life ratio.

Travis avoided the bus stop, walking past the blue sign with a faded bus painted onto it. How old was this town again? He sucked in a breath and held it as he counted the steps to school, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen-

" Hey, Trav! Do you think you could come over for a sleepover? Larry told me to since we haven't touched the podcast in what, Weeks? " Travis looked up from his neon green shoes to look at Sal.

" Sal wants you at a sleepover? What a miracle. " A voice in Travis' head grumbled. " It would be a miracle if my father didn't find out sooner or later. " Travis grumbled, thinking out loud. His hands balled up into fists as he stared a little longer at Sal.

" What was that, Trav? " Sal asked, tilting his head slightly upon seeing Travis' mildly irritated expression.

" Don't call me Trav. It's um. embarrassing. " Travis shook his head, his nails dug into his palms as Travis utterly became more irritated, a little enraged, even, Travis stared absent-mindedly, observing him.

" ..Okay? " Sal's shoulders rose slightly, shrugging. " As I was saying, uhh, We can sleep over at your place, too. Forgot Larry banished you from my apartment. " Sal paused to chuckle, his eyes within the holes of his prosthetic curled to express that he was smiling, since it was difficult to see under his mask, looking off in another direction.

Sal's hair brushed past his prosthetic cheek as he whipped his head to look at Travis, his scarily bright blue eyes indicated that his gaze was directly on him. " Oh, That's Ash! I'll give you time to think it over Trav. " Sal said before running off to Ashley, walking into school with her.

Travis stared at Sal and Ashley in Envy, He was angry that His "friend" was happy with a girl like Ashley, those two; The dumb blue-haired guy that was just slightly shorter than The pretty brunette artist girl.

Honestly a fucking perfect couple, Travis was so.. angry, He wanted to be the person holding Sal's hand and walking into school with him while chatting about some mindless topic, but Travis just couldn't help but Stare at Sal with the gentlest gaze, not a single angry thought about him.

That boy, with that ponytail that's just off to the side so a bit of hair just tucked behind Sal's ear... Holy shit he'd be adorable as a girl, but still, He's a fucking boy. These feelings aren't right, at least to Travis, and with that, Travis went to class, fidgeting with his bleached hair, it was just as damaged as he was. Travis stared at the clock in boredom, not bothering to write anything for class, Counting the minutes, even seconds until Lunch time or something.

Class after class, The halls were just full, Travis hoped just sometimes that a bus would crash to make it a bit more comfortable in these halls, Travis tiptoed in the doorway, scanning the hall for greasy brown hair, Specifically Larry's, If Larry was present, Sal's bound to be there.

Ashley works, too.

Travis Spotted Sal doing the exact thing, searching for someone in the halls, or his next class, We shouldn't jump to conclusions, Sal then noticed Travis, walking over to him, Travis panicked because Sal didn't even Wave or Yell Hi across the hall.

"Travis? Ya there? " Sal waved his hand in front of Travis' face. " Earth to Travis Phelps?? "

" Oh, uh. Sorry Sal, Shouldn't you be with Ashley or those homo friends you have? " Travis scowled at Sal, but of course, He didn't mean it... A little bit, but still!

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