Blood. (10)

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Sal was hanging out with Todd when he got a text from Larry.

Lar Fisher: im sry dude, pls dont blame urself.

" Uhh, Todd? Be right back, I'm gonna go call Larry. I think he's in trouble again. " Sal's lips hung open and it was said involuntarily, like this already happened, he's just reliving it; like reading the script of a story he knows nothing about.

" Okay, I'll just be fixing up your game boy and you'll be a-okay to use it. " Todd walked away, bringing Sal's Super Gameboy™️ with him.

Sal walked to the bathroom, noticing he looked. Different in his reflection when he passed the mirror.

His hair was... Longer, and he let his hair down for some reason, his body looked stretched out and... Older.

Sal shook his head as if that would change how he looked.

Sal's hand shook as he tried to call Larry's number, grumbling under his breath.

" Pick up the phone, Larry... " Sal frustratedly listened to the silent buzzing, hearing Larry's voicemail, over and over again; a broken record, basically, Sal tried to call Larry a few more times; Bzzt. Bzzt. It's Larry! leave a message at the- Sal would hang up before the voicemail even finished to call him again before Sal finally tried to text him.

Sally Johnson: wat r u talking abt?

Lar Fisher: its time 4 me to go

Sally Johnson: dont do anything stupid

Sal totally freaked out, putting his phone in his pocket and running past Todd's room; in which he was working on the Super Gameboy™️.

" Be right back! Larry's doing something stupid! " Sal ran out the door in the rain, running to the apartments.

" Larry?! Where are you?! " Sal yelled through the basement, met with a simple echo as he opened the door to Larry's room, seeing the back door wide open, leading to the dripping wet tree house.

Sal ran out the back door, looking around for Larry when he noticed a note was in the drowned grass, He picked it up and stuffed it into his pocket to read later as he was climbing up to the tree house, a drop of blood trickled down onto his hand. Then another, and another.

Sal didn't even have to finish climbing up the tree to see Larry's dead body lying there; His wrists were cut open, an empty bottle of Prozac popped open in one hand and a shiny kitchen knife in the other; out of shock and grief, Sal let go of the ladder to the tree house, and dropped down to the ground, laying there enduring the pain for a moment before he woke up. In his bed, with the same aching feeling all over him, like he still fell.

Sal was in a cold sweat, it felt so familiar and... Real, He still felt how cold it was, the blood trickling onto his hand, the ache of his body making it difficult to move; he remembered every single detail too, for some reason.

Sal sat up and scrambled to get his phone, Glancing at the time; 6:33, before trying desperately to text Larry, he needed to make sure he was okay, Larry; his best friend- a brother, even - dead? to suicide? No, Impossible! he was the happiest guy he knew, other than the daddy issues- he was fine, wasn't he?

Sally Johnson: Larry? R u okay?

Sal waited patiently, chewing at the edges of his nails to make sure Larry was okay. That can't be real. It couldn't be.

Lar Fisher: Yea y?
Lar Fisher: btw sleepover in the treehouse or in my room?
Lar Fisher: btw don't bring snacks bcs I basically killed the vending machine ; - ;

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