Monday. (2)

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Sal was up really early today, he was excited to finally go see Travis.

Sal ran to school to school in a rush, Running past Larry whilst walking with him. Sal was so excited to Talk to Travis about the Podcast, Though Sal shared Two or one class with him. Though Sal didn't try to miss the opportunity.

Travis was walking to school, There wasn't a rush since he didn't live far from the school building. It took him at least 4-5 minutes to walk there honestly.

Sal was pretty quick with the lessons, It's like he didn't have to make an effort to reach the average of 94. Sal Ran into the rest of his friends at lunch.

Today was... Interesting to say the least, it was Bologna day, so Travis happily ate the sandwich in front of him, Sal just staring off at him. Studying Travis' eye, which was ringed with a bruise. And Travis sort of... Looked distracted. Sure, he had a smile on his face while he was eating, but His eyes were... Pink-ish. As if he'd been crying. Sal just wondered, What happened yesterday when he came home?

Sal didn't feel the need to know but still thought anyways.

Larry would just be staring at Sal, sorta weirded out by how long he was staring at Travis, and bye he was staring in the first place. Larry would be eating his lunch in peace, but he'd still glance at his friends every so often, briefly studying how they looked.

Todd was talking to his boyfriend and Ashley about Quantum Physics or something, while Sal was staring at Travis like earlier. Chug would be chatting with His (recent) Girlfriend, Maple. Larry tried to strike up a conversation with Sal, but so far, they were the only two that weren't talking or listening. sort of out of place.

Sal was wondering about Travis and worried a bit. Travis would notice Sal staring, turning back to look at him, making them lock eye contact. Sal soon broke that minute of staring.

" Hey, why are you staring at that church boy over there? " Larry's voice broke Sal out of being so hyper-fixated on Travis, Waving his hand in front of his face to check if Sal is paying attention. " Oh- sorry, how long was I staring? " Sal would snap out of it, with Larry reacting almost immediately. "at least ten minutes, dude.. eat your lunch. " Larry would remind him, pointing at Sal's sandwich with his own.

Larry would lean in close to Sal, whispering something to him." Did you have Travis over last night? " Larry would silently whisper into Sal's ear, soon going back to his seat. " Wh- Oh, yeah I did. " Sal replied, Nodding as he ate. Larry looked at Travis quickly before looking back at his brother. " That would explain the essay about God... " Larry nodded slowly as he understood, bit by bit.

" Sal, " Larry Started, making Sal look back up at him. " do you like Travis? " Larry said, dead serious. Sal jolted in his seat. The table shut up SO quickly because Larry said that.

" Y'know, romantically. Because you keep staring at him n shit. " Larry pointed at Travis, but still kept it subtle. Sal paused from eating his sandwich, and the table stopped being filled with chatter. Travis seemed to notice, looking at their table.

" what? pssh- why would I like Travis? he's- he's just some dude I started the podcast with! just a friend, ahaha. " Sal was quick to deny it, waving his hands around in denial. Travis would've gotten up and asked wtf was happening, but Travis saved that thought for later.

Later was Algebra, one of two Classes he shared with Sal. For once, Travis was early. the Classroom was FAR from full, with at least one or two students in the classroom, including himself. Sal Soon walked up behind Travis while he zoned out in his seat.

" oh, hey dude! " Sal waved towards Travis, Quickly moving to the row behind him, Travis JOLTED in his seat as Sal patted him on the shoulder. " oh- um- hey, Sally Face. what was the- erm, what happened at lunch? " Travis Stammered, he was still pretty shocked to see Sal.

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