The Podcast (4)

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Sal sat Travis down, Setting up the podcast.

" I- I need to go home, My father will kill me. " Travis would get up, the number of sins he has been committing just kicked in.

" What? You mean- " Sal would attempt to reason with Travis as he tried to leave.

Sal grabbed Travis' Arm as He held the doorknob, Trying to stop him.

" Yes, I mean that we can't do the podcast today. " Travis would brush Sal's hand off him, shoving him away.

Larry would open the door as Travis walked away into the Living room.

" Woah dude! Why are you in a rush? " Larry would try to calm down Travis in the sudden Conflict, Larry was standing in Travis' way to the door. 

Travis would aggressively shove Larry out of the way Causing Larry to fall over and land on the floor, running off. 

" Travis- I Can't. " Sal was about to run after Travis, but he couldn't just ignore Larry on the floor.

Larry would get up with the help of Sal.

" He's so mean, and for what? " Larry looked to Travis, who was far into the hall.

" Do you like that guy or something? you've been acting sorta weird around him. " Larry would question Sal's behavior, Tilting his head in slight confusion, trying to understand him better.

" If you want to force an answer out of me, I might as well just— " Sal paused as his shoulders raised to show that his mood seemed to change, Becoming angry at Larry for no clear reason.

Larry would be taken aback, shocked as Sal seemed to seriously be mad at him, this wasn't a funny joke to Sal.

Sal crossed his arms, averting his gaze then sighed, letting his arms go back to where they were, standing quite awkwardly.

" ...Dude, what's gotten into you, man? " Larry holds onto Sal's arm, as Sal just... Stays still, as if he was just realizing something.

What's gotten into you, man?

"Congratulations, you just lost your identity to your bully and lost your brother."

Sal's Thought repeated in his head, causing Sal to get slightly overwhelmed—

" Sal, Can you hear me? " Larry would hold at Sal's shoulders, Shaking Sal gently to wake him up from his thoughts.

" Y- Yeah, I can hear you fine, Larry. " Sal would adjust his mask to be tighter since it was literally on the verge of falling off.

" Maybe you... Shouldn't invite that jerk over anymore. You can still do the podcast at his house, right? " Larry would try to make an improvised plan for the sake of his brother being happy, and his safety.

" ... I'll think about it. " Sal would scratch at the edges of his prosthetic, looking at the carpet under them.

Sal was thinking, like he's coming up with ways to say sorry to Travis later, And Larry noticed. (SAL YOURE THINKING TOO HARD)

" Hey, Don't feel bad. He got himself in this mess. " Larry would scratch at the back of his neck, Walking to the couch.

" Yeah, you're right. " Sal would say, finally looking back up, flicking his head back and forth searching for Larry, which was sitting on the couch.

" If you wanna go Back to Todd and Neil, I won't mind. I  already have enough nightmares dude... " Larry would stretch, yawning and closing his eyes for a few minutes.

Sal would nod, continuing to speak before he left.

" Yeah, guess I can't get enough of those movies. " Sal would walk off to Todd's apartment.

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