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Well, this week was interesting.

Another Sunday, Which means Sal would probably pick up Travis and drag him along wherever he's going today.

Well, not today, more like later.

Travis had pulled an all-nighter, there were dark circles under his eyes, and there was probably a bump on Travis' head by now.

This week was That week.

The one week of the month when Travis' Father was at his angriest, to the point he'd smash his window and banish Travis from even going outside for the rest of the month.


Travis scrolled through his and Sal's texts, Reliving little moments he enjoyed for once, and safe in the comfort of his room. Gladly, the week was about to end, and Kenneth is about to chill out.


Sally Face: What are you doing awake right now, trav?
Sally Face: Go to sleep, dude... I'm worried about your sleep sched aftr this.
Sally Face: after**

" Pfft, he's adorable. " Travis mumbled under his breath, before texting back.

Trav: Yeah, yeah I'll go to sleep.

Sally Face: Yeah, Love you.
Sally Face: Shit sorry didnt mean to text love you

Trav: you love me??

Sally Face: uhh, no i um like you
Sally Face: in a friend way

Sal fumbled with his phone, in full panic because he sent one of his "best friends" a Love you text out of habit.

Sally checked if they could delete messages to no avail, and If Larry finds out he would be weirded out.

Todd would support, he has a boyfriend of his own, but what about Ashley? And chug, and maple- What would they say?!

Sal? Dating Travis? Sal gave it a second thought.

Sure, that pretty blond boy would be his boyfriend, but it was hella weird, even for Sal, who literally hunted down ghosts.

This is so gay of Sal.

Sal snapped back to reality, dinner was calling to him at this hour, and everyone else was asleep.

Sal quietly wandered into the Kitchen, almost tripping over Gizmo's food bowl and making sure he didn't fall by leaning on the kitchen counter.

" why's the fridge so empty? That explains why we've been eating takeout for the past few weeks... " Sal glanced at his Father's room, the faint sound of snoring erupting from it.

Sal just grabbed one of the last eggs in the fridge and absent-mindedly fried a sunny-side-up egg, It was what, like 4 am? 2 am? Doesnt matter.

Sal heard something.

A breeze of some sort, like something passed by from behind him.

" What the- " Sal looked behind him, the ambient sound of an electric fan and oil in the pan sizzling was the only thing present in the room.

Sal hissed as the hot oil dropped on his hand, He looked back down at the scrambled egg and continued to cook it, though it folded into itself while Sal tried to flip it.

" ... Ugh, good enough. " Sal shook his hand to attempt to relieve the pain of the hot oil.

Sal flipped the Scrambled egg onto his plate, grabbed a fork out of the dish rack, and went back to his room.

The air in the kitchen was stagnant, and- hold on, didn't Sal make a Sunny side-up egg? There weren't any bowls in the sink.

... Whatever, who cares?

Sal ate and went to sleep, his gaze slowly going dark as it gazed around the dark room, seeing a weird figure.

It was blonde and tall and looked like his mom? ... Odd, she died in Jersey. How did she get here, in Nockfell?

Sal sat up, ... It was just his clothes on his chair, but the picture of his mom fell from hanging on the wall.

Sal got up to put it back and went back to sleep, shivers down his spine from the breeze in the kitchen, and seeing his mother in a pile of clothes.

" You are not my son, My son is not a mur- " Sal woke up to his alarm blaring.

" 6:33 pm? Dang it, I slept through my alarm. "  Sal sat up and turned off the alarm, taking his prosthetic off the bedside table and getting dressed before going into the kitchen to eat lunch.

Sal quietly ate lunch, His father cramming words in the middle of scoops of food.

" So... You going out with Larry again? Bet it's with That Travis guy you keep on dragging along. " Henry attempted to say through chewed-up bacon.

" Yeah, but I don't always go out with Travis... He's just, really nice to me and- Nevermind, I got carried away. " Sal stopped himself from rambling about this stupid blonde boy.

" Mhm, you should finish your routine before going out, your face is high maintenance. " Sal's Dad reminded him, Putting the dishes in the sink.

" Yeah, yeah. Got it, Dad... " Sal got up, washing his face, making sure it was dry, and the rest of that long routine so he could get to run off with Larry, or Travis.

Sal ran off to the basement, seeing Lisa but not Larry.

" Larry? Where are you? " Sal looked around even going into Larry's room to search for him, but he's not anywhere...

" Why does this feel familiar? ... Whatever, Where's Larry? " Sal thought to himself as he ran to the treehouse, pausing in front of the barren tree.

" LARRY! NO! WHY?! "

" -YOU UP THERE?? " Sal heard someone saying something, it sounded a bit like him, but... Weirder.

" YEAH, IM OKAY!! " Larry yelled from the tree house.

Larry leads Sal to get up into the tree house, sitting down on the dusty rug, the music played loudly as Larry lights a few candles.

" Dude, why so many candles? " Sal questioned, Tilting his head while his legs dangled down the tree house.

" It helps keep me centered. Don't you feel that way dude? Candles are mad peaceful, to be honest. " Larry said, sitting down in front of Sal.

" Yo, can we hang out with Trav again?- " Sal asked Larry, looking at the lit candles dripping candle wax down the desk.

" Dude! I have an Idea! A SLEEPOVER!! " Larry lit up, pointing at Sal.

" Dude no... WAY! WE SHOULD TOTALLY DO THAT!! " Sal held his hand out to Larry, In agreement, they did their stupidly long handshake.

" Invite Travis if you want to, but he's gotta get here on his own. " Larry hopped down, catching a grip on a wood plank nailed to the tree.

" Kay!! See you later Lar!! " Sal yelled down, seeing a faint figure of a man? A doctor? Under Larry. " Careful bro someone's down there! "

" Uh, yeah! Me! It's just me, Sal. " Larry corrected, looking down at the plain grass.

" .. Oh. "

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