20: Encounter

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John's POV

Today was looking to be a usual day with helping around in the facility and going out helping in the community as reports came in.

Truth be told I learned quite a lot I like it.
People talk to eachother with respect ignoring an underlying power someone was born into.

That being said the world isn't perfect.

(Backdraft agency)

"Have a good day now  John" said one of workers as I was about to leave the.

I responded "I can't slack Off on my workouts I responded."

(UA high)

Aizawa's POV

We as a school are not running a charity although I'm sure all might would be inclined to disagree I need to confront them about John. I grabbed a folder and left.

I opened the door to where nezu and all might were

All might was in his regular form.

"Good day to you" said Nezu preparing tea for us all

I took a seat across from them "I'll get straight to the point is there any progress on finding John or his parents"

Nezu was quick to answer "no it's proving to be impossible at the way we're going"

"We tried everything from searching missing persons list from different countries CCTV footage of the area around where he was found to even looking for regestired people with an aura manipulation quirk or the sort"

"None of the matches found linked up to John we have nothing on him"

"That's not good as the facility we need to know everything about our students and with the league of villains we need to be even more cautious"

I from the folder pulled out reports from the incident they detailed everything from the time, date interview and more as well as death arms account of the situation.

"On this date death arms claims that he witnessed John beat up two thugs he claimed he saw him use what looked like two quirks at a time"

When john entered he only ever used one quirk at a time and it was weak compared to the original he does however have more flexibility when it comes to mutant based quirks as seen in his fight with with bakugo.

All might said "what if he simply swapped the quirks mid fight death arms only saw the aftermath"

Nezu added more information "we had originally planned to interrogate the two individuals john beat up but they were able to escape. The patrol that was sent to apprehend them was blocked by a wall that appeared out of nowhere and soon after those two were missing"

"I want to get to the odd part which was that interrogation he had"

The room went tense everyone there knew something was off.

Cutting the silence I said "First off he asked where he was naturally it wouldn't be weird if he was lost but he seemed visibly surprised at the mention of Japan which makes no sence"

Nezu after zipping his drink spoke "I agree he said he went to a school named wellsten and at the same time also said that he didn't live anywhere no such school exists"

"Lastly he said "aren't superheros supposed to be illegal" that statement is cause for alarm"

"This implies that he comes from somewhere where the hero profession is outlawed. So due to that the current theory the police is running with is that he was sent to Japan via some teleport from some part of the world where the hero profession is illegal"

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