32:provisional exam practice

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John's pov

After things were cooling down
Mina through all the commotion said "since we're all back together as a full class I have an idea, let's go around and see who has the best dorm!"

All the girls seemed to be on board with her from the get go while the guys only recently got wind of it.

I detected something not from my aura Manipulation but from pure instinct.

Hagakure's eyes lit up
"Good idea, I've been thinking this jerk has been ignoring us for the whole day, on top of having the most time out of everyone to decorate. I think as compensation for this he should show his room first and god help you i better not find gel in there"

As I
Slowly backed up I thought to myself
I should of ran when I had the chance.

It felt the entire class's gaze fall in me.

Trying to make up an excuse on the fly i replied "Hey comon is this really necessary my rooms a mess trust me you don't want to see it"

Before I could realize it we were at my door and  I Reluctantly opened it.

Jiro being the first to say something said "mess? this place is ridiculously clean almost obsessive"

Deciding to get this over i motioned over and said "Well if that's It I think we're done trust Me you won't find anything interesting"

Midoriya looking at desk said "Hey what's this on the table I didn't take you for the kind that likes writing stuff in a book" being respectful of my privacy he then took some distance.

Oh that yeah I forgot to put it away.

"This? A while back my dad wrote this book for me to get better but I lost it so it's kinda just a summary of the book instead of the actual book"

"That's nice" said Yayorozu.

A voice could be heard from the bathroom
"Hey explain your self what's this"

Leaving from the door was hagakure.

To which I said "Hey who said you go there?"

Hagakure unbothered said "what did we say about the gel"

Grabing it from her I placed onto the table. "Cut me a break I haven't used it since the sports festival I might actually use it just to spite you"

Kaminari said "no way dude that look really doesn't suit you. You go way to overboard with that stuff"

Mina being rarely encouraging said "I don't actually think you would look bad in it if he used less."

Sighing I replied "yeah if you say so. if we're done here let's move onto the next victim."

The witch midoriya was pleading desperately for us not to go in.

As we entered it was as if we entered an all might flag shop with all the merchandise on display.

Not to mention the abundance of posters.

Uraraka said "You're such a fanboy"

Midoriya clearly embraced "well I admire him" it was clearly obvious he was getting reder by the second.

The next student on the chopping block was tokoyami who was cross armed blocking the path to his room.

Mina and hagakure pushed him out of the way.

His room was ominous one and it was dark.
His ability Is stronger in the darkness so it makes sense why he would like this environment.

Contrasting tokoyami's room was aoyama who had a fucking disco ball on the room.
Everything in his room was shiny.

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