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John's POV

My internship had come to an end, and I was getting ready to go back to school.

UA gate looked as imposing as ever.

I heard an overly energetic tone behind me.


Reconizing the familiar power I just calmly responded seeing as i couldn't avoid this encounter.


Soon after, another actually viable face approached.

Ojjiro, "Good morning John you seem well today. How was your internship?" He asked with curiosity.

He already knew I had avoided most of the combat focused agencies, so I guess he was interested in my opinion.

"It was nice to focus on something else other than what I already know, and they  were welcoming to me, so I'd say it went well."

By the time we got to the inside of the building, the two of them stuck close to me even in the classroom.

Seriously everytime I tried to start friendships it all ends up being fake ruined and broken for that reason I tend to avoid speaking to these people yet no matter how little I talk to this class they just have to rope me in.

"I learned a lot in mine. it was very interesting all the kinds of stelth quirks I encountered. " As soon as she uttered those words, she spoke to me as if noticing my silence.

"In fact john I even asked them what I should do when it comes to people like you who to be honest just make stelth pointless I mean like seriously your very presence counters like half of the people there so not fair"
Said hagakure ranting.

"I don't think so. sure, I can detect most abilities that enter my sensory range passively, but that range isn't big, and it becomes useless if you simply deactivate it. I'm sure you could catch me off guard if you were to turn off your ability. "

"You sure do have a habit of not using the word quirk, don't you?"

"Also, you want me to turn off my quirk. Who are you? Mineta" said hagakure.

"John, I can't turn off my quirk, so yes, my point stands. You are a walking counter to me," she said in a deadpan tone.

"What? I thought your ability worked by manipulating and refracting light. I was sure you could turn it off, "i said, surprised by her answer.

I still have trouble remembering that quirks and abilities are vastly so much more different so I forget how little control the people in this world have over their own powers I guess that's the trade off for haveing more power.

"I don't think I remember telling you that much about my quirk." I couldn't see it, but she most likely turned her head to glance at ojjiro.

"Did you tell him?"

He just nervously said "no"

I don't think she would care even if he did, but I figured I'd just give a valid explanation.

"Remember how I copied your ability during the sports festival to sneak out," I said, thinking back to my plan to copy endeavor

"Yeah, you did go missing for a bit," said ojjiro

"Hold on, you copied my quirk? How did you deal with your clothes?" She asked

I promptly activated my ability and copied an amplified version of her invisibility and made my entire arm invisible

Hagakure responded in invisible shock

"Hold on, how did you do that!?"

"That's not fair how come you get to transfer invisibility to objects when even I can't do that!?"

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