10:The Sports Festival

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John's POV

That day was a mess luckily no one died

We were sent back to class for today the only casualties were the pro hero 13 and her injuries izuku's broken legs and Aizawa's damaged elbow his eyesight might suffer even after he recovers

The funny thing is the officer handling the situation here at the facility was the same one that interrogated me about my ability 2 months ago.

The school was canceled for the next day. The timing was perfect my hair gel supply was running short. my dad often gelled his hair cause his hair was "annoying" and blocked his eyesight he looked like a mess most of the time besides he looked better with it gelled I had curly hair so that was never really a problem.

On my way to the store entering the store, I was heading to the hair product section.

"John is that you, what are the odds?"

I heard a female voice signal my name, there was also an active ability behind me.

Turning over to face the person I look to where I sensed the ability just to see that no one was there then it clicked to me who it was.

"Oh I see now you're that girl from class that's invisible Hagakure...right?" I barely knew anyone there at school I did however get a hold of everyone's names and powers from the villain vs heroes training unlike last time there's no bots or gloves on her

"Wait.......can you see me!" Caught off-guard by her Mild statement I placed my hand in front of my face while turning my head.

"How did you know where to face me?"

oh she means that, a part of me wanted to act like I could see her just to mess with her but right now I'm not looking for fake friends

"No not at all if you must know my ability allows me to sence other people's ability as long as it's active" I explained that while lowering my hand

"Phw...anyway I'd never expect a boy to shop at a beauty store" I couldn't see her but her tone was one of mild humor.

"Well why would an invisible person by makeup also this place has the best hair gel around that alone is worth losing some dignity if you ask me" replying while pointing to my ungelled hair.

"What! Are you crazy with hair like that you want to gel it also I'm a girl you can't just judge my shopping habits"

Two things came to mind one was I'm a girl I didn't see what gender had to do with anything

No to mention seraphina's unreasonable shopping habits

"Well I'm just saying you look wayyy more attractive like that than with a gelmet, well I should get going" I sensed as she walked away from me I noticed were she was going makeup section

As I saw this I asked myself


After purchasing my hair gel I was walking back to the dorms normally it's a long walk but I don't mind it in fact I enjoy it.

Next day

I took a seat on my class chair.

"Isn't that unfortunate" I heard hagakure's voice from behind.

Without turning around to see her I respond "you sound disappointed something wrong"

"No, not really just sad you didn't take my advice"

I honestly can't tell if she really cares that much about my hair.

Like seriously what type of people would obsess that much over a guy's hair.

Suddenly our teacher enters the room covered with bandages and here everyone thought there was going to be a sub looks like we're never escaping him.

"Now don't think you're done training"

Ah shit here we go again another potentially dangerous day.

"You will be preparing for the UA sports festival " now he's Back to a bord tone.

Naturally I had no idea what this was about but hearing my classmates they all seemed excited even that uraraka girl was acting "intense"

"In the past people obsessed over the Olympics but with the appearance of quirks viewership dropped. for anyone who's interested in competition this is the only festival that counts"

This seems serious luckily I have 0 intention of winning but this sounds fun. 

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