16: Hero Internships

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John's POV

I just need one it doesn't matter what I choose.

This is such a pain should I go with one that specializes in combat?, rescue could also work I'd probably flop at that tho.

But hey it might be fun interning in a setting that doesn't mainly focus on combat for a change.

I stack the papers in and return them to my orange folder.

That's enough for today I should just focus on finishing my food

"How's the search going?" I recognized that voice, it belongs to hagakure.

Hearing a familiar voice I glance ahead removing my attention from my folder

Hagakure and Ojjiro.

"Need something?"

Ojjiro with a chuckle "Actually I'm just tagging alone"

They both took a seat across from me.

What do they want?

Ojjiro started a conversation "John I've been wondering, from that fight you had at the sports festival I noticed you were using a form of MMA do you practice martial arts? Your style mainly resembles karate"

Without batting an eye or taking my sights off my food I answer "My dad taught me the basics to defend myself from other people"

Hagakure asked with a confused tone "From people?"

"This isn't really any of your business but to make a long story short I'm a late bloomer"

I was hesitant to mention that to anyone but it's just a test, in my world, there's a predigest against late bloomers. they can't accept someone who used to be the lowest of the ladder out of nowhere be above them.

It's not that they hate losing it's being on the receiving end they hate.

I'm not as obsessed about hiding my talent as I was when I first enrolled in Wellsten but if one of these students decides to push me over the edge I'll just crush them .

Ojjiro cut me away from my thoughts
"Growing up martial was practically my life, and you can probably improve too who knows we could end up being sparring partners" from looking at him and his gestures he seemed to have an enjoyment for martial arts it's probably more than just a hobby to him .

Most of my martial arts were learned from first-hand experience and fighting the only real person who thought me anything useful about fighting was my dad I mostly was just able to overpower my opponents with my ability.

Hagakure asked "Have you decided were to intern at John?"

"Probably someplace focused on rescue"

"You know Ochaco apparently decided to intern with a combat hero most of us were expecting her to do the opposite and intern with a rescue agency"

"Oh really well I had no idea" I was starting to get annoyed these people just approached me out of nowhere I wonder if they have an ulterior motive

"you're probably going to intern in an agency focused on intel or stealth....right?"

"That's the plan, I guess I shouldn't be surprised you can copy quirks so you can probably intern wherever you want"

"Not really my aura manipulation dose have some flaws I can't just copy any ability and use it like it's nothing I need to know what I'm doing and have a decent understanding of how it works"

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