29: kidnapped

559 26 10

Aizawa's pov

I quickly ran out the building to get a better view.

The night contrasted with the chos in the horizon smoke and gas the seamless calm woods were turned into the hunting grounds for villans.

"Looks like your concern has you distracted eraser" called out a menacing voice.

Cought off guard by the sudden unfamiliar voice
I glace to my right to see a dark haired man covered in stitches with an out stretched arm.

Instinctively I jump high up using my scarf hanging on the roof.

The man let out a strong gust of fire that would of killed me had I not reacted.

"Nice move guess you really are a pro" He coldly said as he prepared to fire again

"Not so fast"
I replied as i pulled him twords me with my scarf.

I hit him in the head with my knee and imobalised him on the ground.
"What do you want and where are your friends hiding?"I quickly asked.

"My what?"
As he continued to play stupid I broke his left arm and informed him "your right arm is next be logical about this"

The twisted man smiling through the pain relied "you can take your time eraser head"

I heard a tremor and looked ahead it was Ida who had evacuated the class back to camp.

"Mr Aizawa" he said out of breath"

Knowing the villan's destructive quirk I jolted "stay back"

Using my distraction the villan jumped and made some distance still being detained by my scarf.

He arrogantly looked at me slunched back "tell me hero you worried for your students?"

I tried pulling him back only for him to melt into some sort of mud.

Before disappearing he looked at me and asked "I wonder if you can save them in the end see you soon"

I immediately started running towards the woods as I ordered all of the other students to get inside the building.

After running for some good distance
I heard someone call My name

As I turned my attention twords the source I saw a heavily injured John carrying kota on his back.

He had an unfamiliar quirk copied his lower leg areas as well as both his arms were covered in a transparent layer of aura muscles.

Which means he fought a villain

He started talking
"I need you to take kota back to safety those assholes that attacked us aren't weak I need to get to Mandalay quickly" he quickly motioned to move away in Mandalay's direction

I stopped his rambling but repeating his name "wait John."

After a couple moments he had his attention set on me instead of simply running away

"Thoes injuries John don't you know you have no authority to hurt villans"

John looked at me and grited his teeth in anger "authority!? Those motherfuckers are fighting with the intention to murrder us and you're hung up on some laws!? If it weren't for me both of us would be dead right now is that what you want!? If that's what it means to be hero then no wonder everything's gone to shit"

Seeming to see my opinion As trash he was getting redy to disregard me

I responded to him as I saw best "go, but tell Mandalay something on my behalf while you're at it"

An Unorthodox World (Unordinary/my Hero)Where stories live. Discover now