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My name is John

Not too long ago, I found myself in this mysterious world where everything was different.

I doubted that it would be I was wrong
In this world the top profession is becoming a hero something that I viewed as illegal before.

Despite running into violent situations time and time again , my classmates and I left stronger and more experienced than before.

I didn't want to start over. I didn't want a new chance to make things right yet my classmates refused and accepted me as a member of the class, disregarding my underhanded tactics.

I became a common aqintence of an annoying, invisible girl named hagakure and a chill student experienced in martial arts named ojiro.
I bet if you asked them they would probably tell you they're my friends.

I don't exactly know what they are to me because deep down I know if they knew the real me they would turn me away with zero hesitation.

That's why I hesitate to call anyone I meet a friend.

I won the U.A sports festival and moved on to an internship that focuses on rescue.

I learned quite a bit about how agencies work in this world as separate entities from the government.

Our teacher Aizawa of class A was also incredible despite his power to erase people's abilities he fought for the most part with nothing more than his skill, I still remember vividly watching him fight groups of villans during the usj and just being entranced at his skill.

And even while outclassed, he took beating after beating to protect us.

And despite my distant attitude, he was able to see right through me as i saw first hand in U.A's official response.

All that took place after the villans kidnapped me from the camp.

They attacked students with the intention of killing and abuse their powers without care.

That's why when I got the chance.

I crushed them.
They have no care for others so why should I for them. They got everything they deserved.

John's pov

Everything was pitch black the vacant white room. Was mind numing and distracting.

As i regained my control over myself I jolted up which caused my head to hurt.

I held on to it.

I looked around the room to see I was alone.
The highlight of this place was the beautiful window letting natural light in.

Just what in hell happened.

I remember almost dying to shigaraki only before my ability started going crazy.

It was almost as if I wasn't there after that moment.
Then there was that villan all might fought he had a ridiculous amount of power.

It was as if hundreds of quirk factors were centered on one location.
Cutting my train of thought was a noise.

The door swung open to reveal a tall brown haired man.

"Oh good you're awake"
Said the man in a good tone.

"nice to meet you my name is Dr.shoko unfortunately you haven't gotten any visitors, that's mainly because the police have questions they want answered but that can wait, health care is where my pay grade lies"

"I'm glad you're doing fine when you came here we noticed you had minor burn marks."

I responded "I'm not surprised that fire ability I copied has major recoil"

An Unorthodox World (Unordinary/my Hero)Where stories live. Discover now