3:Quirk Differences To Abilitys

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John's POV

I had noticed that the nature of powers in this world is a lot more complicated than in my old one. They also scale higher.

So I figured if I were to stay here in this world long term I would have to learn quickly, what type of society this world follows. This world seems to have a more just system than the last word, however, it's still a society with expectations so it must have some flaws that I need to watch out for.

I had asked for internet access so I may be prepared for UA or to at least get an idea of what I was facing, they agreed and let me borrow a laptop. While I was ganna do what I told them, what I was really after was information. How do the supposed "quirks" compare to abilities? My Time in new bostin had me researching how to properly use abilities during training I would test out anything and everything possible, so when it came to adapting to fights I had that covered.

I first decided to see how strong the average citizen was. And on the way of seeing average quirk ratings, I saw an extension that caught my attention "Of the 7 billion people 20% are born quirkless" that would mean there's anywhere close to 1.4 billion people who are born quirkless/crippled

The reason this caught my eye was because cripples in my world were among 2 percent of the population among as rare as a 6.5 god tier but still looked at like trash.

"Due to how genetics work the quirk of an offspring can range from being the same as their mothers or fathers, a mixture of both parents quirk or they can mutate and end up with a whole new quirk.

After I took that information in I thought it would also be a good idea to see what the strongest quirks looked like in this world compared to the strongest in my world.

Endeavor has control over fire is physically strong and smart in battles(has delt with the most amount of villains out of any pro resulting in his ranking of 2nd best hero), hawks can fly has super hearing, lightweight feathers that are capable of offensive combat but better used for rescuing combined with super hearing.
Mirko's rabbit quirk is useful for both combat operations and rescue, her rabbit quirk makes her physically strong with her legs has better senses than most people including hearing and smell. All Might most famously know as the symbol of peace and justice, some of his most memorable highlights include saving more than 1'000 people on his own, and beating among the strongest villains All Might holds the title of number 1 hero.

The pros in this world are for sure talented and even a large portion of everyday civilizations have decently strong combat potential. These people are way stronger than your average ability holder

I probably went a whole 2 hours searching the strength of everyday people, I had come to the conclusion the in terms of versatility and usefulness the people in here are WAY better at that department than people in my world.

However, if we were to compare people based on pure combat skills, The average person with decently strong quirks would for sure be ranked as elite tires in my world. On top of that, the most common level in my world are mid-tiers.

As for the supposed pros in this world they would be considered high tiers from anywhere to 5.0 to 6.0 but like always some people are the exception endeavor is probably anywhere from 6.4 to 6.6 his highlights show him as an experienced fighter he must be for sure stronger then Arlo, although probably still weaker than me.

All might is extremely powerful if he can use all that that power with no drawbacks he is probably anywhere from 7.7 or an 8.

My conclusion is that the average population in this world is way stronger here than the average population in my world but a god teir like Seraphina or me would completely be able to crush the supposed pros depending on the circumstance.

Heck, I'm willing to bet an empowered Seraphina would be the most powerful person in this world, that's just how oppressive her power is.

I would like to test out my Aura Manipulation on mutant quirks but that's apparently illegal. Sure hope crushing people isn't.

Oh shit, I just remembered what the hell must my dad be thinking or going through right now.

After my "talk" with Seraphina I completely forgot about everything, but could you blame me it's not fun having the same miserable experience again  

2 more weeks for the UA exams.

I plan on mostly working out at this point that was the only thing that I found that was remotely "fun"


Izuku's POV

I stood there on top of a mountain of garbage I finely finished the task all might put for me, 10 months of brutal hellish training. All might was there watching not that I noticed.

"Oh my god, you far excised my expectations you made this beach look beautiful, you even cleaned out the areas I didn't tell you to do"

He then pulled out his phone showing a picture of me exhausted carrying a tire

"You see this, this was you ten months ago, look at you now young izuku you are now a proper vessel for one for all!"


He then pulled a piece of his hair, I gave him a strange look and said


And in that I took the future and ATE it.


I was at my mom's place she was worried on how I might do at the entrance exams. After all, they are happening tomorrow.


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