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John's pov

Aizawa gathered the entire class together.

As usual he calmly explained everything " Now that you finished your first semester at ua high It's time for summer vacation to finally begin."

Aizawa however trying to drive home the fact that it's by no means a fun school trip sharply said "however don't think these will be months of rest for you heros in the making at this camp we'll push you to go beyond your limits you're aiming to become plus ultra"

From the neighboring bus, monama started taunting our class

"I heard some of you lot from Class A are taking extra classes does that mean they actually failed the final exams!?"He said in loud arrogance

"That would be so embracing since you're supposed to be better you must be wallowing in shame" before Monama could continue his rant he got hit by Kendo of class 1 b"

Ida being the usual hall monitor guy he is shouted while chopping the air "attention class A our bus is here line up in an orderly line"

The bus was choatitic everyone was talking, some were standing and Ida was shouting at the top of his lungs trying to sit every one down.

As for Aizawa he seemed to be over with life with how annoyed he seemed to be as he mumbled "why do I even bother"

The bus then stopped at an isolated checkpoint.

After everyone was out most were stretching myself included Mineta dashed twords Aizawa

"Sensei where's the bathroom?"

Aizawa then coldly asked everyone in the class "you don't think we really stopped you here to stretch your legs do you?"

Everyone in class was confused.

The car to our right which was there before we got here opened up.

A feminine voice called out.

"Hey ya eraser"

Aizawa simply responded "long time no see"

The heros did an exagurated dance as an introduction finishing it with the group name "you can call us the wild, wild pussycats"

I internally looked at them and said to myself

I'm never doing that.

Izuku on the other hand seemed to already know who they are

He went on exited.
"They're a four person hero team that specializes in mountain rescue, the pussy cats were founded when we were kids like forever ago"

One of the members of the team seemed to take offense to the last

She grabbed his face shouting "I'm pretty sure your mouth must be off, I'm 18 at heart"

The only message our class seemed to get is to not mention age in front of them.

One of calmer looking members of the team said "we own this entire stretch of land and the camp is right there" she said pointing at a far location.

Uraraka asked "then why did we stop here?"

Asui responded "I'm afraid we both know the answer to that"

As all of the class tried to look back at the bus.

The same calm member of the team
Said in a mischievous tone
"The current time is 9:30 in the morning if you're fast about it you might make it by noon."

After she said that most of the class booked it to the bus.

Having no intention of stopping she continued "kitties that Don't make it by 12 Don't get lunch"

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