𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕺𝖋 𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖘

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"Sirus!" Father yelled. "What have you done?" He pushed through the doors, the king following afterwards with his aide.

"It was an honest mistake father," I rose up from the chair.

" Magnus, do let the child explain," King Arthur intervened. He gave me a quick wink before sitting.

"I was attacked in the woods, and it seems like she saved me,"I explained. The kings face went grim.

"How so?" He questioned.

"It seemed to be planned, my drink was tampered with and I was attacked near the garden," I answered. With just a wave of the hand, guards immediately walked out the room.

"I'm deeply sorry you had to experience this on such a night young lord," he bowed his head.

"It's fine, after all I was saved," I bowed my head.

"But that's not all, is it?" I could feel father's burning gaze as he stroked his beard.

"No," I averted my eyes.

"Do speak," he crossed his arms.

"I-I made a mistake," I admitted. Just as I spoke a servant came whispering into the aide's ears.

"My daughter," he whispered.

"Explain," father insisted.

"She was going to die! I had no choice," I clenched my fists. "I couldn't just leave her, I couldn't just ..."

Father shook his head, burying his head in his hands. "Let me guess...you gave her your blood."

Silently, I nodded. The aide looked completely puzzled, meanwhile the king surprisingly amused. 

"What does that mean?" The Aide looked over at father.

"It means your daughter is alive and well," the king grinned.

"But is she-"

"She's human," father interrupted. "For now."

"What do you mean?" The aide's eyes widened.
"Shouldn't she be-?"

"In normal circumstances, yes," father answered. "But on the blood moon no."

"They've become a pair," the king smiled.

"On the blood moon, no matter the race or species, a bond can be created without turning the other,"Father continued. "However, the life span has been split between the two equally." 

"She is not a thrall but an equal to him, the closer they are the stronger their bond," the king explained.  "They'll be able to tell when the other's happy, sad or in severe pain."

"Can't we break it? Is there a time limit? The moons still up," the aide begged.

"But once the seal is broken, an immense pain will fall on the vampire, one so dire that it can kill," Father  sighed.

"Then there's no choice but to..." the aide's shoulders  sunk. Father nodded.

"I'm so sorry Phillip," father bowed.

"It's ok," he sighed.

"They're just kids who made a mistake," the king chuckled. "Leave them be."

As the two left, I was left alone with father. 


"What did I tell you about going off on your own?" He yelled.

"I'm sorry father," I lowered my head.

"Sorry can't erase the mistake you've made today, that girl will never have a normal life,"he shook my shoulders. "That girl will be stuck to you, that girl had a future. She had a fiancé, a happy life. Now she has to be with you for the rest of her life."

Silently, I listened. To his yells, insults and complaints. Just as usual.

Did he think I was fool? I knew the gravity of my mistake. I knew it all. But it wasn't my fault. He knows I can't control it. He knows my weaknesses and strengths, so why does he yell at me? Why does he treat me as a fool? Did he want me to kill her? Or did he want me dead?

Slamming, the door I was left alone once again. I wish I was always left alone. I would never be such a burden if I was left alone.  I didn't need a mirror to know my eyes were red, that the other side would take over soon. I feel it in my blood, the anger swallows, blinds me. No matter where I hide, the darkness will always follow.  That's the reality.


It was the king.

"Magnus always had a horrid temper," he tutted. "But hitting a child is something that I can never agree with." He crossed his arms looking me up a down. "Follow me." For some reason I listened to him, I couldn't help but to.

"You're struggling aren't you?" He hummed.
"You don't have to answer, your flashing eyes tell me everything," he chuckled. Why does this old bastard bother asking me if he knows the answer? 

"You're probably wondering why I'm doing this? Questioning you and all sorts," he snorted. "You'd probably think my answer is a load of bull, but I care about you Sirus." Yes i do think you're answer is a load of bull. But he does seem to have some wit, after all he has the eyes of a cunning fox.

"You have some great potential, I can tell," he gently tapped my nose. "You're father may not see it, but I can. You're probably thinking how can a mere human say this but-" he grinned. "My wife agrees and she's never wrong."

"I thought your wife is dead," I blurted, quickly covering up my mouth.

He grinned and ruffled my hair. "They all call me the king of fools, the drunken king and all sorts but my wife is indeed alive." He stopped glancing up at a ginormous portrait. "This is her, a true beauty isn't she."

Feline like emerald eyes  that held mischief. Along with pale milky skin, that contrasted with her dark obsidian hair  which framed her face. If it wasn't for her eyes she'd be a the epitome of a stereotypical vampire. With sharp cunning like looks and air of elegance. An undeniable beauty.

"She's in a deep slumber, one that others would call death. But can I tell you a secret?" He smirked. "She's just like you." He pointed.

Bullshit. Father said I'm the only of my kind, maybe he was delusional or hurt his head falling off his saddle. After all he seems insane and lacks skill in reading the room.

Suddenly, he flicked my forehead. "You really have such nasty thoughts compared to you're pretty looks," he lowered to face me. "Thank goodness those girls can't hear such rude things ."

"Are you?" I asked.

"No my wife is," he snorted. "As I said, she's alive. She lives through me and will be awake soon."

And when I am awake, I'll be there to fix up that little attitude of yours.

"You can hear her, can't you?"he grinned. "She became like this whilst I was at war."

"The resurrection," I whispered.

"Yes, that old tale," he nodded. "I came back from the dead on the battle field, but not because she exchanged her life for me." 

But , because I healed him to the point I used up all my energy.

"So she's hibernating?" I rose my brow.


"Yes," he nodded. "And we have a proposition for you Sirus."

So take a seat and listen.

Servants opened up the kings office doors, and we were sat opposite each other.

"But before that let's play a little game."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐓Where stories live. Discover now