𝕱𝖎𝖗𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊

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"Madame will you come to breakfast today?" Stanford asked.

"Yes," I responded. There was no use in hiding out, after all he did that part perfectly for me.

A soon as the silk scarf had been tied to my hair, I made my way too breakfast. Unfortunately, I seemed to quickly loose my appetite, when I was met with a certain prick. Glancing at Stanford, he seemed to be avoiding my gaze. Damn little weasel.

"Good morning," he greeted. 

"Good morning," I responded, curtsying.

"Did you sleep well?" He took his seat.

What do you think? Who'd sleep peacefully after the bullshit yesterday?

"Absolutely wonderful," I grinned. "And you?"

"Alright." Not a single time did he face me, whilst saying all this. However, a side of me that I haven't visited in a long time seemed to have suddenly sparked. This side didn't want a smooth morning, she didn't want him to have the easy way out. I wouldn't let him. He'd  face me one way of another.

"Splendid," I clapped my hands together. "It's nice of you to show face this morning, you should really pop by more often." Maids and servants entered the room, with trollies, carefully placing each dish down.

"I'll try to find time," he shrugged it off.

"It'd be lovely if you did," I giggled.  "After all, wouldn't it be better to lay in a warm bed than a hard chair." For a second, everyone froze. All eyes no me, but the ones that mattered the most were those shiny golden jewels.

"I know it's extremely tough, but be patience my dear," he cleared his throat.

"Fine," I sighed. Happily digging into my beautifully made crêpes.

As soon as breakfast was over, he sent everyone out of the room.

"Not you my dear,"he beckoned. As soon as the doors shut, he pointed over at the seat. "Sit."

"I don't feel like it," I glanced at the seat.

"Fine don't sit," he took a deep breath. "What's was that?"

"What was what?" I tilted my head, innocently.

"Don't play stupid Violet," he crossed his arms. "What are you going to do if rumours start to spread?"

"I'll let them spread," I answered, taking a flower from the vase.  "After all, it seems someone needs a little extra kick."

"Is this because of last night?" His brows knitted together.

"Partly yes," I plucked a flower from the vase.
"Since you gave me such an open critique I decided to formulate one also," I plucked a petal. "You need to do your part."

"Which includes?" He sighed.

"Keeping up your image on both sides," I instructed. "Vampire and mortal."

"It's not as easy as that for me," he shook his head.

"Then explain how and why," I plucked of the last petal.

"It's complicated," he diverted.

"That's not very descriptive, is it now?" I crossed my arms. "I'm sure you could come up with a better explanation, don't you think so?" I faced Stanford.

"Don't be so childish," he stepped in front of Stanford. "Don't go dragging others into this, this is between me and you."

"I'm the childish one?" I tilted my head. "Aren't you the one running from your responsibilities?"

"Master, Madame," Stanford attempted to slip between us.

"You wouldn't understand the half the things I do to keep you safe. To keep the kingdom safe!"he retorted.

"Then explain it to me," I scoffed. "That's all I'm asking! That's all I've been asking! Educate me since I'm so childish."

"I'm not in the mood to do this right now," he faced away.

"Too bad, cause this child happens to have all day,"I answered. "This child who's been carrying our image on her back. This child who's been to every tea party, ball and national holiday, For you!"

"Violet I'm being serious," he warned.

"And so am I, so listen well." I stepped closer. "Whilst you were hiding out here for 363 days of a year, I've been watched like a hawk almost every single day." I felt like I was growing insane the more I spoke. "So tell me now Sirus who is more childish?"

"I didn't ask for you to do all that, did I?" He replied, looking at me dead in the eyes.

"Wow," I scoffed. "You are utterly unbelievable, I guess the books are right. Vampires are vein, insufferable, heartless creatures." Chucking the petals at him I left the room, if I stayed any longer I'd probably have murdered him.


"Look at what you've done," Stanford gestured to the door.

"It's not my fault she gets all in a fuss, certain things need to be kept under wraps," he picked up the petals.

"Then tell her that!" Stanford yelled. "She's not asking for the world."

"There are plenty of loveless relationships where each partner were loved by the subjects, so I don't understand why they demand such a certain image." He sighed.

"Well your predicament is slightly different isn't it?" Stanford rolled his eyes. "It wouldn't hurt for you two to actually be civil, or at least hold a friendship of some sort."

"I don't think I can get along with a mortal, they over complicate and overwhelm themselves to death. Losing sleep to such minor things."

"Then find the a middle ground. Anything you two have in common, so I can stop getting in between you two." Stanford huffed.

"I'll try," he waved, leaving the room.


I saw on TikTok that a lot of ppl hate reading in 3rd person🤔And it made me wonder, why do ppl hate reading 3rd person? Personally I can't read second person stories.

If anyone can answer my question I'd be grateful.

Also this chapter is unedited.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐓Where stories live. Discover now