𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕻𝖊𝖆𝖈𝖊

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"Pardon me," Violet curtsied, quickly rushing back into the hall. As her heels clacked away, Sirus silently watched as her silhouette got lost into the crowd. Taking one last glance at the moon, he also made his way out.

"Violet," Cecile called.

Taking a deep breath, Violet slapped on a polite grin. "Yes?" She turned around.

"I know we haven't spoken in a while, but you haven't replied to my letters so I-" she fiddled with her fingers.

"It been really busy as of late, I apologise," she curtsied.

"Of course," she laughed awkwardly."You are now the fiancée of Sir Luneth." She looked away. "I just hope what happened hasn't broken our friendship." She attempted to muster up a smile. "It's just I really care about you, and losing you'd be like loosing a sister." Her ears flushed a bright pink. "I-I.."

Violet sighed and pulled a fan up to her lips. Grabbing Cecile's wrist, she dragged her into a private room.

"I don't want you hate me," Cecile sniffled, her voice breaking in between.

"I don't hate you,"Violet rolled her eyes, closing up the fan."I never could." Pulling out a handkerchief , she wiped away Cecile's tears. "I was more upset with myself."

"Why?"Cecile took the handkerchief.

"Because I thought I did something wrong,"she explained. "I wondered why I was so unlucky, why he stopped loving me as much? Nonsense like that."
Stepping away from the blonde, she crossed her arms.

"I wondered if I wasn't pretty enough for him,"she snorted. "My childhood dream was ruined, I just wanted to escape it all." Cecile listened silently. "So after his majesty suggested the engagement , I thought why not?" She ambled around the room. "But I couldn't ignore everything, I couldn't pretend like it didn't hurt. I cried for days,"Her voice trembled.

"Vi,"Cecile pouted, raising up her open arms. Hesitantly, Violet walked into her arms.

"He's an idiot for messing up what he had," Cecile stroked her back. "You're smart, beautiful, creative, kind and honest. You'd make a wonderful queen."

"Thank you," Violet sniffled, snuggling into the crook of Cecile's neck.

"I'm only speaking honestly," she squeezed tighter.

"Cecile, I wish life was easier that all these stupid rules could disappear," Violet huffed, wiping her tears.

"I do too," Cecile sniffled.

"We probably look a mess," Violet sighed.

"Mascara is probably running down our cheeks," Cecile giggled, loosening her grip.

"Well,we can fix ourselves up before the end ,"Violet plopped down on a nearby seat.

"So."Cecile played with her fan. "What do you think of Sir Luneth?"

"Seriously?" Violet folded her arms, leaning back into the chair.

"I'm just a worried friend ," Cecile defended. "You suddenly got engaged within the two weeks we haven't spoken."

"Fine,"the brunette rolled her eyes. "He's a gentleman? I guess."

"Did you not feel anything when you danced ? No electricity or butterflies?" Cecile rose her brows. "You two danced for literally eight songs!"

"It was fun," she shrugged.

"Cmon Violet, details!" Cecile demanded. "What's one feature he has that sets him apart? One thing that's ingrained in your memory of him."

"...his eyes," Violet focused onto the candles. "They hold so much emotion..."

Knock knock

"Who is it?" Cecile called out.

"Sir Luneth," he called out. "May I come in?"

"Enter," Violet answered.

As soon as he entered, he saw the mess of the two is reconciliation. Tear stained cheeks and crumpled dresses, the two couldn't help but laugh at Sirus's puzzled look.

"I'll call a maid," he pivoted round.

"Thank you," the two choked out between giggles.

"Have you two had too much alcoholic?" Sirus questioned.

"We're probably drunk of emotion," Violet wiped her face clean. "Sorry you had to see us so unsightly."

"You look much happier than earlier,"He handed her a towel.

"Thank you," she dried her face, facing away.

"I best be on my way, mother will have my head if we're not home by midnight," Cecile sighed.

"See you Cecile," she blew a kiss.

"See you next time, my love," she caught the kiss, blowing one back.

"You two seem close," Sirus sat on a nearby seat.

"We have known each other for twelve years," she sat down in the vanity, applying some light makeup.

"I've known people for longer than that and we're not that close," he watched her intently. "What you two have is special."

"Cecile would be ecstatic to hear that," she chuckled. "Sirus,"She put down the brush."I won't see you for a while, won't I?" Her amber eyes faced him, burning for an answer.

"You won't," he weakly smiled. "Not until the next ball or national event."

"Then-" pushing up from her seat, she circled round him. Placing a citrine necklace around his neck, she gazed into the mirror. "It suits you, doesn't it?"

"Thank you, lady Malory," he tilted his head up to face her. "But why have you-"

"Sirus, I don't like liars or cowards that hide their feelings and intentions ," she circled back round, plopping onto the vanity seat. "If you ever fall in love with someone but can't face me, give me this necklace."

"I told y-"

"You may not now, but the future is unpredictable," she shook her head. "See it as a preventative measure." Sirus could no longer argue with the brunette and simply nodded in defeat.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐓Where stories live. Discover now