𝕯𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 𝕯𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘

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Opening up my eyes, I was clearly no longer in the cabin. I'd presume the palace. Glancing at my wrists, they were tightly bandaged.

Knock knock 

"Yes?" I answered.

"Violet!" Father raced to my side. "My darling." He squeezed. "Everything's ok now, I've sorted everything."

"Wonderful," the king applauded.

"Your majesty," I lowered my head.

"Oh stop, they'll call me a tyrant if I made someone sick bow," he grinned.

"If you do excuse me, where's that boy?" I asked.

"Sirus is resting, after all yesterday was quite the adventure for the two of you," he chuckled.

"Your majesty, please think back on the punishment," father pleaded.

"Punishment?" I rose a brow.

"Yes an punishment, Magnus pleaded for one since its not kingly to let you two off," he rolled his eyes. "You two shall be wed, it's easier that way since you two have been bonded." 

"Bonded!?" I yelled.

"Yes?" The king rose a brow. "I'm sure you know how a bond forms? After all if he didn't you would've been dead." He wasn't wrong. The amount of blood he sucked was enough to kill me. But Theo... I couldn't just. But he likes... oh fuck.

"You seem to be quite overwhelmed," the king rested his chin on his fist.

"Well you did announce such news after she practically touched toes with death," father crossed his arms.

"I guess I did," the king smirked. "But I feel there's a way to minimise her worries."

"Lady Malory, how about we have a walk in the garden," he winked.

"Your majesty!" Father yelled.

"Oh Phillip, she's not going to die from a walk, she's got vampire strength transferred to her now," he rolled his eyes.

"Then can-"

"No," he shook his head. Raising his arm, he awaited for me.

"Sorry father," I pecked his cheek, quickly rushing to his majesty is side.

"For goodness sakes, it must be suffocating having a father like that," the king huffed. "My father gave up quickly, but that man is a brick wall."

"Your majesty, what is it you wanted to talk about?"
I asked.

"You're a smart girl Violet," he smiled. "It's good you weren't present actually at the ball."

I have a bad feeling about this.

"I'm not one too fond to gossip, but Sir Evergreen had the audacity to propose to lady Moore," he whispered. "She said no, it seems you have a good friend, as she gave him a right telling off." He chuckled.

I let out a breath of relief. But why? It wasn't like her rejecting him means I have a chance of reclaiming his heart. That he'd stop loving her...

"Difficult isn't it? Sir Luneth is also having a difficult time coming to conclusion of this," he grinned.

His majesty really had a knack for causing problems.

"Well, Lady Malory?" He plucked a rose. "It's up to your word."

"Can we be engaged in the mean time, I'm not exactly sure?" I answered. "This is all really sudden."

"Of course, my sweet," he handed me the rose.

"Are we really going on the walk?" I glanced back up at him.

"Another point again," he grinned. "We are not, it'll be stifling to eat around that stick in the mud." Giggling, we headed off to the dining room.

Despite it all, I couldn't help but wonder about Sirus. To be wed to someone I've barely spoken to? I know it's the norm, but still. A vampire at that. That's practically unheard of in noble society nevertheless in between commoners.

As soon as we got home, I was bombarded with questions.

"What happened to your skirt? Was there not enough silver?" Mother huffed.

"Mother," I sighed.

"Did you two kiss like the books?" Ophelia giggled. "It'd be better if you did since Theo asked Cynthia-"

"You big mouth!" Mother covered Ophelia's face.

"It's fine Cynthia, his majesty told her," father sighed.

"And I'm now engaged to sir Luneth," I announced.

"Sir Luneth ?!" Mother yelled. "Has his majesty truly gone mad?"

"Cynthia! Do you want to be beheaded?!" Father yelled.

"Maybe we all have with that bloody moon!" She huffed.With that I made my swift exit to my room.

Knock knock

"Leave me alone!" I yelled.

"Should've locked the door if you wanted me to," Ophelia plopped onto the bed. "And I know you want to know what happened at the ball." She was right.

"Spill," I rolled my eyes. "I will if you tell me what happened with you and Sir Luneth."

"I will so just spill," I sighed.

"Once you left, Cecile attempted to go after you," she began. "But that fool was desperate for her attention. To the point he foolishly confessed in front of everyone." Of course he did. He's always been spontaneous.

"Cecile was absolutely livid of course," Ophelia giggled. "She slapped him with her fan and yelled at him saying.."

"Have you gone mad?" Cecile yelled. "You're the fiancé of Violet! and you've come to publicly disgrace her and I?" She stepped away from him. "What made you think I would ever say yes, nevertheless accept such humiliation." 

"She is far too good for a blind fool like you, you should've stayed back in the military you spineless coward!"

That is definitely something I can imagine Cecile saying.

"She then walked off and he was confronted by his brothers as his mother and father attempted to reconcile with mother," Ophelia sighed. "Mother was furious, if it wasn't for lady Sapphire and father, Theo would probably six feet under."

"I kind of wish he was, it'd probably hurt less knowing he died on the battlefield than this," I rolled over.

"You don't mean that," Ophelia stroked my back. "You've always had a soft spot for him, you'd probably go mad with hysteria if he died."

"Do you think so little of me?" I turned to face her.

"Well your resolve falls ever so weak, when it come to him," Ophelia shrugged. "He didn't consider your feelings at all Violet, he never has!" Ophelia huffed. "You've always been the one to break your back for him but he has never done a thing for you." Ophelia clenched her fists. "He's always been inconsiderate of others, like when you waited out hours for him in the snow. When you skipped tea parties for him and so on. I just wish- I just." Tears raced down her cheeks, as she attempted to choke out the words. "I hate him! I hate him! I hate him so much!"

"Hey," I pulled her to my chest. "Aren't I supposed to be the one crying?" I sniffled. "I know Ophelia, I know I've done so much." I wiped her tears. "That's why I feel like total fool right now." I laughed dryly.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐓Where stories live. Discover now