𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖊𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕵𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗

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"I seem them," Odette squealed, transforming into a bat she flew down from the balcony toward the couple.

The three men rushed towards the balcony their eyes immediately falling on the two walking hand in hand toward the palace. Magnus squinted eyes for a bit before jumping up and down in joy. "He has awoken!" Jumping down the balcony and transforming mid fall, he zoomed toward the two.

"You should go down there," Arthur placed a hand in Phillips shoulder.


"I know your worried of her reaction toward you the shift in your relationship but you have to face it head on and take responsibility," he advised. "Trust me." He patted his back. Nodding, Phillip went down to join the family reunion.

"Si si, my baby," Odette sobbed hysterically. "Your alive!" She pulled him into a tight embrace. "Your safe and sound, the both of you," she sniffled pulling Violet into her embrace. "Thank heavens."

"Silas," Magnus called, Silas is head immediately snapped towards his father.

Magnus stepped toward his son, his gaze unwavering. Shutting his eyes Silas braces himself for his father's word letting out a shaky breath. Suddenly, his fathers arms wrapped around him.

"Father?" Silas rose his brow, his arms unsure what to do.

"I'm so proud of you," he squeezed. "So so proud."

Silas stood in shock, tears fell down his cheeks for what was probably the hundredth time today. Hugging his father back, he couldn't help but sob into his shoulder.

Despite their past, Silas couldn't help but feel like a little boy again. The boy he was before his mother left. Before his father was overcome with poisonous side of grief.

"Father," he sobbed clinging onto him desperately.

"Oh," Odette's lip trembled her arms automatically reaching out to wrap the two up.

Meanwhile, Philip and Violet awkwardly stood to the side. "Violet," Phillip called.

"I know your here to apologise father," she interrupted. "I know you probably had to be convinced by King Arthur to even face me." She poked her tongue to the side of her cheek. "I know what you did was an attempt to protect me even thought it was against my wishes. I know about your past and I understand your reasoning and reaction." She sniffled. "But as the wife of a vampire as well as a duchess in the making, what you did was immensely wrong."

"I know," he hung his head. "And I know you probably are struggling as someone in the middle of this."

She nodded. "You misdirected your anger and hatred , and frankly I don't think I can accept you if you can't accept my husband for what he is."

He nodded. "I know, I can tell you love him." He smiled weakly. "And i can tell he does too. I know that no matter my interference your love will grow for him and I have no choice but to accept this reality. To accept the consequences of my actions and that I was displaying revolting unforgivable behaviour." He glanced at her. "I'm just happy that I have mature daughter to bring me to this reality and I hope despite my actions she will still accept me as a father."

Violet pressed her lips together and faced away as she wiped her tears and nodded. Opening up his arms, Violet hesitantly entered. Enveloped in his arms, she sobbed hugging him tightly before glancing up at him.

"I'm proud of you," he smiled, wiping her tears to the side. "Promise me you'll continue doing what's best for you." He rose his pinkie.

"And you too," she wrapped her pinkie around his.

"Promise," he winked.

"Promise," she smiled her brows knitted together.

"Violet," Odette held her hand out the two carriages had arrived.

"Bye father," she wiped her tears curtsying.

"Bye Violet," he smiled waving.

"Let's go home," Silas aided Violet into the carriage. Turning to face Violet's father he bowed lightly and gazed up at the balcony giving a small salute to the king.

Slightly taken aback, Philip bowed back at the young man. Arthur smiling as he saluted him back, watching as he entered the carriage.

"He's grown so much from the beginning," Arthur chuckled to himself, watching as the carriage disappeared in the distance.

"Matured unlike you, old fool."

"Eris?" Arthur turned around.

"The one and only," she smiled, her sharp fangs protruding down to her bottom lip. 

Arthur rushed toward his wife embracing her tightly as he span her around. "When did- how did y-"

"Not too long ago," she caressed his cheek. "But you've certainly been a naughty boy, haven't you?"She tutted. "With all the mess you've made." 

"I know," he placed her down.

"But what a fun little ending, for a fine couple." she grinned. "Didn't we meet in the gardens also?" 

"Yes, and you look just as beautiful you did that day," he pressed his lips on her hand. Smiling, she petted his head before glancing up at the falling sun and rising moon. 

"I wonder what couple shall emerge next," she grinned gazing at the full moon.



Thankyou all for reading this short book 💕 I hope you guys enjoyed it💕 and I've finally succeeded one of my new year goals of finishing a book and not deleting it 🤭

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